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(Archived) public notebooks: some suggestions

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A few random questions and thoughts about the public notebooks:

Notes can be sorted only by creation date. This is frustrating to me, because I organize my notes by title as a rule, and I would like to be able to sort them alphabetically by title.

Is it likely that tags will be used more effectively in the future? The obvious choice of layout would be to put a list of tags in a column at the left, just as it is on the desktop clients.

Could we please have a list alternative to the thumbnails? Thumbnails make no sense for notes that are primarily or exclusively text.

The look of the public notebooks is awfully uninviting (a sans serif font against a dead white background): it there any hope that it may improve or that we may be given some degree of control over it?

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Thanks for the feedback. We are revisiting the UI of public notebooks as part of our efforts to add more Sharing and Collaboration features to Evernote. I know that some of your requests are already addressed as part of that effort.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Of course, we're considering all the security issues with our collaboration offering, which is one of the reasons we are making sure we are working diligently on this release.

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