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(Archived) Google glass and evernote a (potential) match made in heaven?

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Want to see what you should/might be doing? Look up a list of all of tasks you can do in the moment.

Got an idea? just dictate it and send to evernote tagged as "my ideas"

Want to keep track of your diet? just take a picture whenever you eat anything and save to evernote food.


This would be perfect for all of those moments when you need to quickly capture something or quickly look something up. All you'd have to do is just think about anything and then you could almost instantly look it up in Evernote.

It's not like there's anything you can't do already with a smartphone but using a smartphone is obtrusive, it's like an additional task, it takes you out of the moment.

But (hopefully) using google glass would be more like using your own brain. So Evernote could become more like an actual extension of your own brain.

I think this is the future really.

Your thoughts?

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  • Level 5

I believe this is already in the works.

On the TWIT network recently, (I believe it was This Week in Google podcast) they mentioned that Evernote is already working with the Google Glass people.

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