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(Archived) Note URL


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  • Level 5

No, moving does not affect the URL.

I'd be interested in how Evernote manages that.


You can edit the note and even add tags, but the URL will still work.


But the URL will no longer work if you merge the note with another note. When you merge two notes, the originals go to the trash.

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  • Level 5

Merging can be quite useful - for two notes or multiple notes.


Here is a merge example I do occasionally. The top photo and title on the Drudge Report can be quite powerful. I will merge the title and image to the actual story. Here are a couple examples of what the merged notes look like (Drudge Report photo merged with the supporting story).





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  • Level 5*

Merging deletes the original notes (AFAIK). Copy note links is what will cause problems with broken links. It would be cool if EN could insert a note to "related notes" at the bottom of the file you have just copied the link from ... but I recognize that is going to be a long way down the priority list!

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