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(Archived) Stacks?

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Windows desktop--


As a side note--I first tried searching the site for an answer. However, after entering the terms in the search box to right, a long rectangular bar opened 'Google site search' that said below: Loading.... which it continued to do for several minutes until I killed it. This same thing has happened on the 2 previous times I've attempted to use the search feature.



I received the Evenote tip in today's email. There was a link to a video suggesting the use of stacks.


I'm not sure why something seemingly so simple remains a point of confusion.


Along the left-hand panel in my Evernote desktop app is the word 'Notebooks' at the top. Below that are what I presume to be notebooks that I've created--since right clicking on the parent Notebook creating a folder. Then, if I right click on this newly created notebook a choice is to create a notebook under the previously created notebook.


Functionally, there are 2 levels.


Nowhere do I find this mysterious 'Stack'?



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  • Level 5*


Well someone ought take note that the Google Evernote site search doesn't.





It does for me...





If I use the large search box more or less at the top center 1/3 of the this (https://evernote.com/contact/support/kb/#/search?query=stacks) page, then yes, search is successful. If I use the small search at the upper right on this page () then no, the search stalls as I initially mentioned, on Loading...

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If I use the large search box more or less at the top center 1/3 of the this (https://evernote.com/contact/support/kb/#/search?query=stacks) page, then yes, search is successful. If I use the small search at the upper right on this page (http://discussion.evernote.com/topic/39196-stacks/?locale=en) then no, the search stalls as I initially mentioned, on Loading...

That would seem to indicate something faulty (goofy? tech term?) on your end, rather than EN's or Google's.  That was my initial, if not subtle, point.

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Possibly--but as a practical matter, I'll just use the large search box from now on now that I know it works for me.


I'm not opposed to that.  Whatever works for you (or me) works for you (or me).  But to brand it a fault on EN and/or Google is not appropriate.

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Notice I said 'possibly'. Since I do not have any problems searching with Google outside of EN then I'm fine considering this a potential EN problem absent some quantitative method of proving otherwise.

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Notice I said 'possibly'. Since I do not have any problems searching with Google outside of EN then I'm fine considering this a potential EN problem absent some quantitative method of proving otherwise.



If that makes you feel better then ok.

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