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(Archived) Big Problem with Syncing!


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I have a premium account running on both PC Win 7 and iPad.

The number of notes is ~30,000


I found that some notebooks cannot sync correctly.


For example, one notebook has 0 note on my PC Win 7.

This is OK.

But, in the Web edition and the iPad,  the same notebook has 90 notes.


For another example, one tag has 10,199 notes on my PC Win 7.

But, in the Web edition and the iPad,  the same tag has only 9887 notes.


I let the PC client sync again and again.

But the inconsitency is still there!


This is really a disaster!!!


Could anybody help? Thanks!

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Hi actant,


I also experienced this problem and whilst it may not help you if you don't have access to a Mac this is how I fixed it:


On Mac, create a new Notebook with a similar name to mismatched one.


On Mac (I am sure you will find 'all' of your Notes will be available) copy the Notes from old to new Notebook.



Sync on your Windows machine and see if the Notes have now appeared in the new Notebook.


Failing the owning or having access to a Mac you could try it on the Web. But the only problem is moving the Notes may prove difficult. When I have experienced the same problem I sometimes found on the Web and Windows platform the Notebooks had become locked and would not let me copy or move the Notes.


Oh, I should also say create a ticket as well.


Let us know how you get on.


Best regards



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Hi Chris,


Thanks a lot for your advice!


I just move all the notes to a new notebook, sync, delete the old notebook, changed the new notebook to the old notebook name and sync again.


Now it's ok.


The bug threatens the integrity of customers' database, and should be fixed by EN team as the top priority.


Thanks again!


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Are these notebooks business or joined notebooks?


You can also go to Tools >> Options >> Sync and double check that the notebooks in question are set to "Sync when my notebooks sync"

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Are these notebooks business or joined notebooks?


You can also go to Tools >> Options >> Sync and double check that the notebooks in question are set to "Sync when my notebooks sync"

It's a single notebook, not joint one.

Of course the notebook has been set to  "Sync when my notebooks sync".




Just serveral minutes ago:
A notebook contains 11,235 notes, all of which are assigned the same tag.
On PC, both the notebook and the tag indicate 11,235 notes.

On Web, the notebook indicates 11,235 notes, but the tag indicates only 10899.


I have so many tags in my account.

It's impossible to check them one by one.


It's really a serious problem!

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