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(Archived) To follow a story: Sorting note in chronological order


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Hey guys, 


I am now starting to use Evernote as my archive for journalistic purposes - and for that I do have to sort my notes in a chronological order. But this order should not reflect the creation dates of the note but the publication date of the article I clipped. 


I cannot use something like 1 - , 2- ... because I need the actual publication date to see how stories unfolded. 


As of now I am putting ddmmyy for the publication date in front of the note title. 


It works for now but if there is one day a story with say 1xxx notes I will get lost because there is no way to sort the notes in order of the publication date. 


In my ideal word it would look something like this: 


12.3.2013 Bad Thing A happens


13.3.2013 Responsible Person I reacts


14.3.2013 Thing A happens again


15.3.2013 Person I has to step down. 


Do you got any suggestions? 

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  • Level 5*

Hi - welcome to the forums.


Three suggestions.  Change the created date of your note(s) to the actual publication date and sort by created date.  Or use yyyymmdd in your subject and sort by subject line.  Or do the same with tags and sort by the tag column...

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Hey guys, 


I am now starting to use Evernote as my archive for journalistic purposes - and for that I do have to sort my notes in a chronological order. But this order should not reflect the creation dates of the note but the publication date of the article I clipped. 


I cannot use something like 1 - , 2- ... because I need the actual publication date to see how stories unfolded. 


As of now I am putting ddmmyy for the publication date in front of the note title. 


It works for now but if there is one day a story with say 1xxx notes I will get lost because there is no way to sort the notes in order of the publication date. 


In my ideal word it would look something like this: 


12.3.2013 Bad Thing A happens


13.3.2013 Responsible Person I reacts


14.3.2013 Thing A happens again


15.3.2013 Person I has to step down. 


Do you got any suggestions?


If you want to sort notes by a date other than created or updated, make the first part of the title the date in YYYYMMDD format. 


EDIT: Sniped by Gaz!

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