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New (Android) Title Font Sucks

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Are you guys trying to copy Google Keep? The new title font (also used throughout the new UI) is horrible, it doesn't proportionate the look of the app at all and is at odds with the sans serif fonts used in the noteself. 


Icons changes are also for the worse, the whole cute sketch icons are not as clean as the plain old ones and make the app look cartoonish.


I'm a premium user and I really like the old look, please considering give user option to change back to the old UI and fonts.



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  • Level 5*

Are you guys trying to copy Google Keep?

That's a bit uninformed -- the new title font was available in the betas for the version 5 Evernote client well before Keep came out.

The new title font (also used throughout the new UI) is horrible, it doesn't proportionate the look of the app at all and is at odds with the sans serif fonts used in the noteself.

Icons changes are also for the worse, the whole cute sketch icons are not as clean as the plain old ones and make the app look cartoonish.

Most of the commentary on the public betas was in favor of the new look. I quite like it, myself. Horses for courses, per usual. *shrug* The harshest criticism I've heard to date since the public release is that the new typeface doesn't support all of the character sets that people want to use, which is a true usability problem.


I'm a premium user and I really like the old look, please considering give user option to change back to the old UI and fonts.

Doubt that that's going to happen, premium or not, but it's fine to ask.
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I like the look of the font, but it does have a problem: it only looks good when the text is in latin letters. Cyrillic script looks different than English (I guess it looks like Arial). See here:


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This latest update goes totally against the move of Android with jellybean towards a simple and consistent look for all the apps. For instance the new icons don't follow http://developer.android.com/design/style/iconography.html (icons should have a flat appearance) It looks like I reinstalled froyo again. Please make it an option to use a Holo like theme.


(btw using the standard fonts will also fix all the issues with foreign languages in 5.0)

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  • 3 months later...

well I confirm this problem. I have suspition that the problem is in the fonts, (not installed in android) but I do not know how to fix it. At least, here is my screenshot, its awefull —


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  • 9 months later...


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