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(Archived) Evernote 2 factor or quit? Just say YES or NO?

Sugeeth Krish

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  • Evernote Expert

What good is the awesome services offered by Evernote if there are ways for hackers to exploit and get your data?


I think we have waited long enough for this incident last night to happen. Dropbox , Google Drive et all were not stupid to implement 2 FTA for their systems. And this, thousands or users have clamoured for this feature. I think we have reached a point where the existence of our digital lives is very much at stake. ( Since all my documents, personal , official and medical are right there on my EN account).


Hands up with me and reply on this post, if you think that you should be quitting Evernote if EN continues to remain silent on this serious matter of 2 factor authentication. Other services may or not be as good as EN is irrelevant, as long as they are more secure.


We don't want any justification from the Evangelists here. Just simple - 2 factor or quit? Yes or No? 


I quit.

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  • Evernote Expert

To Hell with you: I'd be stupid enough to listen to an Evangelist's word. Evernote claims that none of the accounts were compromised, but i want a logical answer to the post below. As a paying customer, i have a right to know, how this could happen?


Have a look at what i posted last week. My own account may have been hacked.



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  • Evernote Expert

Werner, now that I have given you an example of my own case, and another by another user who showed PDFs of his account being compromised, kindly tell us what are we supposed to do now? And mind you, my password was a complex one of small and caps letters numbers and special characters 15 long, and still it gets compromised? What more can we do than this?

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I agree and I will abandon Evernote because I do not need an app who asks me to reset my password every week. Sorry.

Please, let me know when you decide to implement two factor authentication. Thanks.

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  • Level 5*

What good is the awesome services offered by Evernote if there are ways for hackers to exploit and get your data?


I think we have waited long enough for this incident last night to happen. Dropbox , Google Drive et all were not stupid to implement 2 FTA for their systems. And this, thousands or users have clamoured for this feature. I think we have reached a point where the existence of our digital lives is very much at stake. ( Since all my documents, personal , official and medical are right there on my EN account).


Hands up with me and reply on this post, if you think that you should be quitting Evernote if EN continues to remain silent on this serious matter of 2 factor authentication. Other services may or not be as good as EN is irrelevant, as long as they are more secure.


We don't want any justification from the Evangelists here. Just simple - 2 factor or quit? Yes or No? 


I quit.


As you already know, Evernote has said they plan to implement 2-factor authentication. In December last year, the CEO made this statement.



As for 2fa, it would not have stopped the hack. Evernote still would have needed to reset everyone's passwords. 

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