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(Archived) Scanning multiple pages into Evernote

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I just tried to scan a multiple page document into Evernote with a Fuju Scansnap scanner and Evernote made each page of the document a separate note. Is this normal? The same document also went to another service and it saved the all of the pages as one file. Am I doing some thing wrong or is there a glitch somewhere?

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  • Level 5*

Are you scanning direct to an Import Folder? The ScanSnap seems to create a file that gets snapped up at the end of each page - it's not locked until the scan is complete. If you're using an ordinary desktop folder, check your ScanSnap Manager settings - there's a specific option to save to separate pages/ one file. Likewise if you're scanning directly to Evernote, try saving to a desktop folder instead. You say the same document also went to another service? How did that happen? Could the link be part of the problem?

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