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Feature Request:


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  • Level 5

I remember seeing similar requests for Tool Tips on previous forum posts.

I have never been able to figure out the logic of Evernote's Tool Tips. Sometimes they appear after hovering over the icon for 10 seconds. I want fast response, so I gave up and turned on the labels. But when I do hover over an icon, sometimes they never appear, and sometimes they are just totally wrong.

Fortunately, clicking "Print" does not "Delete the selected notes". :)


I am using Windows version (Public)

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  • 11 months later...

I've just installed v5.1.0.2217 on Windows 7. While most of the icon tool tips are working, the ones in the entire note editing toolbar are not. The 'Reminder', 'Share', 'Info', 'Delete' bar does work, however.


Yes, the icons are mostly self-explanatory. But the tool tips should be consistent.




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  • 3 months later...

This post goes back over a year, and there are other mentions of it as well in other forum posts.  Even the editor for these forums has tooltips.  Really - how hard would this be to implement?  It's a standard feature that should have been there years ago, especially when it's not something that comes up with a quick F1 (Help) or quick peek at the manual.  There are lots of good reasons to have this - are there enough good reasons not to that it makes sense to make that decision?

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  • Level 5*

This post goes back over a year, and there are other mentions of it as well in other forum posts.  Even the editor for these forums has tooltips.  Really - how hard would this be to implement?  It's a standard feature that should have been there years ago, especially when it's not something that comes up with a quick F1 (Help) or quick peek at the manual.  There are lots of good reasons to have this - are there enough good reasons not to that it makes sense to make that decision?

I see tooltips on all of the toolbar elements in the v5 Windows client, except the search controls. Were there any particular ones that you see as missing?

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