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Evernote, Smart Notebook, Smart stickers, and me

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I just got my new smart notebook with its smart stickers. I've gone through all of the usage pages but am still looking for some suggestions on how best to utilize the smart notebook and smart stickers.

I have lots of notebooks. One for Home stuff and one for every project I work on at work. Currently, I have 10 open projects.

So, any note I put in the smart notebook can really be for anyone one my projects at work. Simply places a "work" sticker won't really do. I'd like to be able to tell it which project notebook to go into.

Any suggestions on how to best utilize this would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you,


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  • Level 5*

Not a user myself but a Goo search for 'evernote smart notebook' generates 495,000 hits including this one

Smart Stickers

As if that wasn’t cool enough, in the back pocket of each Moleskine notebook you’ll find a set of multi-color Smart Stickers. When you apply a sticker to a page and take a photo, Evernote recognizes the sticker and instantly associates a tag with the note or places it into a notebook that you specify in your Settings. The Smart Stickers come with some pre-defined tags, but you can customize them to be whatever you want.

And this.. (on page two)

Customizing Smart Stickers

Using the Evernote app for iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch, you can customize what tags and notebooks you want to have automatically associated with your Smart Stickers when they are captured using the Page Camera feature.

Each Smart Sticker may have one notebook and up to six tags associated with it.

To customize your Smart Stickers, do the following:.....

There's also a video.

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Thanks for responding. I've gone through. The issue is that each of those stickers can only be associated with one tag and one folder where I have anywhere from 4 to 10 projects going on at once, so I need to figure out a way to best use those stickers.



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  • Level 5*

No problem. According to the second of those clips I found, each sticker can be linked to one notebook and "up to six" tags - any way to split your projects by tags if that's correct? Good luck with the figuring anyway - when you work out a solution, please let us know..

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry, but after paying a premium for the notebook, I don't find it acceptable that I have to turn to some randomuser YouTube video to figure out what the darn stickers mean. This isn't hard, it's called basic customer service.

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  • 2 years later...

The text of the referenced page is contradictory. It says "You can also customize each type of Smart Sticker and associate them with any notebook and up to six tags." This implies six tags per sticker. Later it refers to both "the tag" (singular) and "the tags" (plural) associated with a sticker in the same step.


My guess is originally the design was multiple tags per sticker, which is what was documented (I'm a tech writer). Most likely the feature was dropped and changed to a single tag before release, but not in time to have someone thoroughly edit and correct the page. This dropping of features at the last minute before release is the bane of the tech writer's existence.


Multiple stickers per tag would definitely be useful.


It would also be nice to be able to buy tags separately. I have a jillion (physical) notebooks and can use the page camera with any of them. The stickers are all I need.

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