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(Archived) A pain in ass when download pdf files from internet

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I found save pdf from internet to Evernote is so conter-intuitive.

Here is what I hope

When I save a line to the plug-in of evernote of Chrome, the plung-in could check if the link is linking to a online pdf and it could

Save the pdf to my local evernote and tag the file with the link.Or some options bump out and I can choose from 1 to 3

1 save the file alone

2 save the link alone

3 save the file and the link .

But in reality, I need to either save the link and access it on-line. Or I download the file, save it to evernote and manually add tag to the file.

One will really need to post something here if he have repeat this procedure for many times.And such work is supposed to be done by the software which if what the reason I use evernote.

I like evernote so I hope you can do better than now.

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  • Level 5*

Hi and welcome to the user forum. You're welcome to suggest / request feature changes in Evernote here - the developers get around to reading most of the comments, even if they don't often respond directly - but it does help your case if you give a little more detail. So far as I can see the desktop clipper currently works only to copy a web page link into a note so that you can view it online if you wish to. If you do wish to download the PDF file in case you're off network when you need to see it, you'd be able to do that at the same time as clipping the page by saving the file to your desktop and drag/ dropping it onto the clipped note, or into a new note. Your additional menu doesn't seem to save any steps/ clicks - you can either clip the page and link with one click, or save the PDF with a couple more. Of course I'm talking about the Windows and Android clients, so you may have a different experience with your OS.

Evernote might have some technical difficulties with adding the functionality that you requested anyway - how, out of all the links on any web page, do you recognise one which leads to a PDF file (and what about DOCX, PPT, RTF, CSV and TXT files?). And what about links that take you to a sign-up page of some sort before allowing a download.. I think getting a copy of what you see is about as far as they can go.

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Thanks for all the replies. I use mac OS. And Yes , saving the link and saving the file is both easy. I confess that I do not use the software often so there might be some functions I don't know.

But, er, can I save both the link and the file in the same time ?

I think there might be people, other than me, also need such ability.

May I suggest a solution to the recognition of the link.

Problem 1

First How does Evernote know if a link is linking to a file.

Yes, I know that there are links ending with "/XXX/XXX/XXX.pdf" which is actually a link to a page where one can download the file. This often happens when one access to some databases. And I know some not-very-smart- software's download the page.

My possible solution is to give the link which the user gives to the plugin to the browser and keep tracking what is happening. If the browser at last get access to a file then ask the user if they want to save the file (and the original link as a tag )to their local notebooks.

I do not think it is Evernote's responsibility to judge whether a link is actually a remote file.just give the work to the browser.

Problem 2Yes surely ,there are only some specific files need to be saved as document.

the types of files need to be save.

Almost surely, txts and pdfs are those everyone wants to save. But .docxs or .ps s , you can have a input column in the preference of the plugin to allow users to decide what is their need to save.

I cannot see why the type of the files should be a problem.

3 The work the user need to do is still just "drag the link" to the plugin" and I hope a use could choose just save the link as the old way.

I understand the technical difficulties that you developers need to tackle.

Thank you guys.As Evernote save me from the nightmare of the mess of notes and pdfs.

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