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Evernote for Sewists

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As an avid sewist, I accumulate patterns like crazy. Physically organizing and storing them is no problem. However, having access to envelope information such as yardage requirements, notions needed, suggested fabrics, etc. when I find myself in a fabric store is a huge issue! About a year ago, I began working with Evernote to organize sewing patterns. Since that time, a program has become available for pattern organization that will magically find and import complete envelope information simply by entering the name of the company and the pattern number. They have a mobile app which makes the program much better for spur of the moment shoppers.

I would love to see Evernote come up with a way (barcode reader, perhaps?) to import sewing pattern information from the Web. Right now Web Clipper can be used sometimes for this.

Once I begin making an item, I chronicle the process using photos and Skitch drawings (and annotated photos) to record such things as pattern alterations, fitting issues, fabric choices and assessments...and much, much more.

I would LOVE to hear from other sewing enthusiasts on how they are using Evernote.

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I do not sew, but those sound like some great organization ideas! Do you include photos of your finished objects?

Since I don't sew or use sewing pattern information, I'm curious what the web clipper doesn't bring in to Evernote for you? Though to be honest, while I love Evernote I have found that other apps just work better for some things.

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I wish I had time to input all my patterns into EN but I have about 200 patterns at this time. I too wish they had a bar code scanning system.

I use my EN to create lists to purchase supplies while I'm at the quilt shop or big box store. I can add pictures of the fabric I need so that I get only what I'm looking for instead of something that is slightly off. I keep inventory lists on my EN and close out sheets for when I do craft shows.

I also keep a list of pending orders as well as orders that have already shipped. I'm fairly new to EN but I LOVE it! My best friend in Florida has and EN and it enables us to share things easier than in emails. Thank you EN!!


Sew Faithful


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  • 1 month later...

Hi Heather,

Thank you for providing the link. I appreciate it very much. Would you believe it, I had done some research in my enforced quiet time when I couldn't log on and had the name of that program written on a piece of paper which I had then scanned to Evernote. It was sitting in my in box waiting to be processed......and of course today was the day I found it again!

Having said that, I apologise for wasting some of your time....the good news is that in future I will have it all at my fingertips! BTW Heather your name comes up frequently as being a very helpful person on this forum, and I have to second that. Looking forward to being as organised as you are!


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I found another program that goes onto my iphone called Sewing Kit HD. It's ok so far. Cost a lot less ($9.49) and does much the same...a one off cost rather than a monthly or annual subscription of pattern file. I can't really see how either of the programs would interface with evernote....It may be easier in the long run to take a photo of the back and front or to download the paper pattern data from the net if I can get it, and then tag it and sort it in Evernote rather than spending a lot of time putting stuff into a non searchable program.

SK HD at least has a catagory button that will add a decent category to the data saved. If anyone else has any ideas I would love to hear them.

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  • 6 months later...

I am new to Evernote and after an illness that took me years to overcome I am back to sewing.  I had gotten rid of all my stashes and my Machines.  Now I am starting over so I really want this to work. I got a new Babylock that does embroidery as well as beautiful sewing on garments. I have it downloaded on my android and pc and made a notebook.  I do not know how to open the notebook that has my trial pattern set up in it.  I would like for someone to help me set Evernote up for patterns and notions.  Would anyone like to help me with this?




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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...

I am a quilter. Evernote is a great way to keep clips of fabrics planned for a quilt....even the pattern! I recommend E-note to my machine quilting classes for organizing all of the notes. I recommend tags above all else....great way to find notes on specs quickly! Love Evernote almost as much as I love my machine!

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  • 2 years later...

I already have an Evernote account, however I can find the one specifically for Crafters. 

Any suggestions, on how to organize a hundred years of patterns, I just received from my parents, and siblings.  I was surprised to see the pattern for my Grandmothers wedding gown.  Considering  I am not interested in selling them, my insurance said I need an inventory of them, with pictures.  I have years of work ahead of me ...

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