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(Archived) Low-hanging security fruit - easy pickings

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  • Level 5

Take a few minutes and clean up your apps permissions using mypermissions.org

There are some impressive recommendations from folks (on the right side of the web page).

From Wired Magazine:

"You may trust Google to keep your email safe, but do you trust a three-month-old Y Combinator-funded startup created by three college kids? Or a side project from an engineer working in his 20 percent time? How about a disgruntled or curious employee of one of these third-party services?"

I was blown away by how many apps had my permission... but not any more. :P The best thing you could do, right now, is to log into each service you care about and revoke access to the apps you no longer use or care about.

Especially those apps that have access to your personal info in powerhouses such as Facebook, Gmail, or Evernote.



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Take a few minutes and clean up your apps permissions using mypermissions.org

There are some impressive recommendations from folks (on the right side of the page).

From Wired Magazine:

"You may trust Google to keep your email safe, but do you trust a three-month-old Y Combinator-funded startup created by three college kids? Or a side project from an engineer working in his 20 percent time? How about a disgruntled or curious employee of one of these third-party services?"

I was blown away by how many apps had my permission... but not any more. The best thing you could do, right now, is to log into each service you care about and revoke access to the apps you no longer use or care about.

Especially those apps that have access to your personal info in powerhouses such as Facebook, Gmail, or Evernote.



That's exactly why I never use a google or facebook userids to login to a website instead of creating an indvidual userid on each website.

I took a look at my facebook permissions and found a few of them, all over 1 year old and none of them I use. That must've been back in the day when I signed up for facebook and played with it for a week before I decided the whole thing was lame and boring.

I also checked the permissions on my Evernote account. I had 6 services to which I gave access to see if they were useful to me. I use none of them, but the permissions were still there.

When I was done, I wasn't sharing nothin' with nobody.

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