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(Archived) BUG: No way to get out of clipper


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  • Level 5*

OK I got one. FF9.0.1 / clipper

I clicked the toolbar elephant icon by accident and got the dropdown menu to choose selection / page / url

I want it to go away. I don't want to clip this page.

Click icon again - no effect.

Try Esc - no effect.

Choose URL - get new note. Delete new note. Start over.

Once the drop-own is in place, there's no apparent way to get out of it. There should be a "get out of jail" option.

And I just realised - this isn't a bug, it's a feature. So sue me.

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Either pressing <Esc> or clicking anywhere outside the clipper dialog box cancels the clip in Chrome.

Need to switch browsers to test in Firefox...

Confirm pressing <Esc> does not work in Firefox.

Clicking outside dialog box does cancel the clip in Firefox.

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  • 2 months later...

I've been seeing the same issue and finally got frustrated enough to search for a reference.

Clicking outside the dialog box does not cancel the clip, ESC does not cancel the clip, throwing the computer in frustration does not cancel the clip.

I just want to CANCEL the *bleeping* clip.

The unsatisfactory workaround is to let it take it's clip and then immediately delete it.

FF 10/11 Mac

Web Clipper

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  • 2 months later...


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