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Collapse all option for tags

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I have a lot of nested tags & think it would be helpful to have the options to collapse all/expand all (left pane of desktop clients). (Actually, I think the collapse all is more useful. But I guess if you added that, it makes sense to add the expand all, too.)

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I would like to request the option for all my tags to be Expanded when I open Evernote. It's such a pain to expand them everyday. I have my tags organized using a customized version of The Secret Weapon and GTD. At a glance, I want to be able to see my #1 Do Now, #2 Do Next, #3 Not Urgent, For Follow Up and so on (nested under .When), as well as my Sales Inquiries, Sales Leads, Reservations, Products Ideas tags (nested under .What, then under Business). These are the tags I check first thing when I open Evernote.


I like seeing everything out in the open. If something is hidden, if I don't see it, I totally forget about it..


Better yet, please have evernote remember which Tags were expanded and which ones were collapsed so it opens the same way everyday (the same way I left it before I closed Evernote the day before). This way, the Tags I refer to most often are expanded, and other tags that I don't refer to as often remain collapsed (such as Months January to December, or years 2013-2020, which I usually only refer to when doing planning a few times a year).

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