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Folgende Punkte haben mich nach 8 Jahren Evernote-Nutzung zu meiner Kündigung gebracht

(Fehlermeldungen an den Support wurden über Jahre hinweg ignoriert)

  1. Kein Bulk Edit mehr möglich, wurde im letzten Jahr gesperrt
  2. Fehlerhafte Notizbuch-Auswahl Wenn ich ein Notizbuch auswähle, um Einträge aus genau diesem Notizbuch in ein anderes zu verschieben, werde ich nach kürzester Zeit zurück in die Dashboard-Anzeige geworfen.
  3. Deutsche Umlaute im Titel werden regelmäßig mit HTML-Code dargestellt. Beispiel: „Ausländer raus“ zu Gigi D'Agostinos Hit: Über 360 Einsätze der Polizei
  4. Schikane bei Meldung von Problemen durch Zwischenschaltung einer zu beantwortenden eMail
  5. Suchanfragen sind regelmäßig nicht speicherbar
  6. Suchanfragen ignorieren oft Ausschlußkriterien
  7. Kopfzeile nutzt nur 20% des Platzes, kürzt Link-Anzeige bis zur bödsinnigen Nutzlosigkeit und zeigt nur 1 von mehreren Tags an
  8. Evernote ist nicht abwärtskompatibel. Bilder in alten Notizen sind of nicht mehr anzeigbar, belegen aber trotzdem Speicherplatz
  9. KI bei Suchanfragen fehlerhaft
  10. Spaltenbreite nicht konfigurierbar
  11. unreliability of data accessibility
  12. Verschobene Notiz taucht trotzdem im Ausgangsordner auf !
  13. Notizen gelöscht, Papierkorb geleert, Notizeneintrag immer noch in Notizbuch
  14. Falsche Sortierung der Favoriten - ab und zu 
  15. Web clipper not working
  16. HTML codes for Dash apostrophe Quotes trema in subject/title
  17.      is not that legible
  18. kontrastarmes Design


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30 minutes ago, ß-Tester said:

Kein Bulk Edit mehr möglich, wurde im letzten Jahr gesperrt

Was meinst du damit?
Ich arbeite nur mit der Windows-App. Dort gibt es die Möglichkeit, mehrere (leider nur bis zu 100) Notizen zu markieren und dann gleichzeitig zu ändern. Zumindest die Tags oder das Ziel-Notizbuch.

33 minutes ago, ß-Tester said:

Fehlerhafte Notizbuch-Auswahl Wenn ich ein Notizbuch auswähle, um Einträge aus genau diesem Notizbuch in ein anderes zu verschieben, werde ich nach kürzester Zeit zurück in die Dashboard-Anzeige geworfen.

Kann ich nicht nachvollziehen - ein Android-Problem?

33 minutes ago, ß-Tester said:

Deutsche Umlaute im Titel werden regelmäßig mit HTML-Code dargestellt. Beispiel: „Ausländer raus“ zu Gigi D'Agostinos Hit: Über 360 Einsätze der Polizei

Auch das ist unter Windows komplett in Ordnung...

34 minutes ago, ß-Tester said:

Schikane bei Meldung von Problemen durch Zwischenschaltung einer zu beantwortenden eMail

Stimmt. Wenn Sie schon Roboter bei der Erstaufnahme einsetzen, sollten diese etwas intelligenter auf schon angegebene Informationen (z.B. Logfiles u.ä.) und die Anwender reagieren. Wenn von einem Anwender mind. ein oder zwei qualifizierte Eingaben gemacht wurden, sollte auf das dämliche, weitschweifige überfreundliche Gefasel verzichtet werden.

37 minutes ago, ß-Tester said:

Suchanfragen sind regelmäßig nicht speicherbar

Hmmm, war früher wirklich einfacher 😉

Insgesamt habe ich meinen Frieden mit der EN10 gemacht - kämpfe aber immer noch mit vielen Dingen, die früher gefühlt deutlich einfacher waren. Auch wenn mir die neue Darstellung der Notizen sehr gut gefällt (Überschriften und die Aufgaben), finde ich den Notizen-Editor noch recht fehlerhaft (/-Befehle funktionieren nicht immer, Cursor überspringt Zeilen wenn waagrechte Linien, eingebettete Dateien und Bilder oder Überschriften im Text verteilt sind, ...). Aber ich denke, das wird noch besser werden...

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3 hours ago, AlbertR said:

Was meinst du damit?
Ich arbeite nur mit der Windows-App. Dort gibt es die Möglichkeit, mehrere (leider nur bis zu 100) Notizen zu markieren und dann gleichzeitig zu ändern. Zumindest die Tags oder das Ziel-Notizbuch.

Kann ich nicht nachvollziehen - ein Android-Problem?

Auch das ist unter Windows komplett in Ordnung...

Stimmt. Wenn Sie schon Roboter bei der Erstaufnahme einsetzen, sollten diese etwas intelligenter auf schon angegebene Informationen (z.B. Logfiles u.ä.) und die Anwender reagieren. Wenn von einem Anwender mind. ein oder zwei qualifizierte Eingaben gemacht wurden, sollte auf das dämliche, weitschweifige überfreundliche Gefasel verzichtet werden.

Hmmm, war früher wirklich einfacher 😉

Insgesamt habe ich meinen Frieden mit der EN10 gemacht - kämpfe aber immer noch mit vielen Dingen, die früher gefühlt deutlich einfacher waren. Auch wenn mir die neue Darstellung der Notizen sehr gut gefällt (Überschriften und die Aufgaben), finde ich den Notizen-Editor noch recht fehlerhaft (/-Befehle funktionieren nicht immer, Cursor überspringt Zeilen wenn waagrechte Linien, eingebettete Dateien und Bilder oder Überschriften im Text verteilt sind, ...). Aber ich denke, das wird noch besser werden...

Danke für Deine RückInfo.

Ja, ich beziehe mich nur auf die Android-App am Tablet. Dabei bin ich noch nicht einmal die Fehlerunterschiede zwischen Smartphone und Tablet eingegangen.

Ich kann nur sagen, das phantastische Evernote wurde vor wenigen Jahren schlagartig schlechter und schlechter.

Zum Support: Da hat jemand geschrieben, auf deutschsprachige Beiträge werde ich keine Antwort erhalten. Da kann ich nur sagen, they even answered my english requests, warum soll ich mir dann mir dann Mühe geben.

Der Tip mit den 100 Notizen gefällt mir. Den werde ich beim migrieren verwenden.

Erzeugt Evernote beim Export immer noch das ENEX-Format ?

Edited by ß-Tester
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  • KI bei Suchanfragen fehlerhaft \ 
  • AI faulty for search queries


  • Ich suche Einträge zwischen 07.10.2024 und 14.10.2024 (es gibt Dutzende)
  • I am looking for entries between 07.10.2024 and 14.10.2024 (there are dozens)


  • Evernote-Ergebnis: Keiner Treffer.
  • Evernote result: No hits.


  • Die Künstliche Dummheit fragt mich, ob ich vielleicht  'Darmstadt' meinte 🤬 
  • The artificial stupidity asks me if I might mean 'Darmstadt' 🤬
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  • Level 5

You claim dissatisfaction with a mobile app.

It is not build to replace the use of the desktop client, or at least the web client.

Mobile has a limited scope, and is build around it. You can claim you don’t like it, but for many jobs it not designed to do them efficiently. And the limited screen real estate doesn’t encourage gimmicks like movable column margins

Search is an issue. I refrain to the advanced search syntax, but this is no option for most users. The search is obviously broken using the filters options.

I have no issues with Umlaute.

The note not available and the problem with moving a note point to a corrupted local database. When did you last uninstall, dumping all data and caches, and started a completely fresh install.

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1 hour ago, PinkElephant said:

You claim dissatisfaction with a mobile app.

It is not build to replace the use of the desktop client, or at least the web client.

Mobile has a limited scope, and is build around it. You can claim you don’t like it, but for many jobs it not designed to do them efficiently. And the limited screen real estate doesn’t encourage gimmicks like movable column margins

Search is an issue. I refrain to the advanced search syntax, but this is no option for most users. The search is obviously broken using the filters options.

I have no issues with Umlaute.

The note not available and the problem with moving a note point to a corrupted local database. When did you last uninstall, dumping all data and caches, and started a completely fresh install.

I'm not complaining about the limited scope, im complaining about errors which shouldnt be!.

for example: 10 years++, bulk editing was possible. Not annymore. Errenous searches, ereneous filters. abominable support/supporters.

Data Loss ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️


By the way, in your terms, I only use the limited scope Android app, but I have to pay the 130 € windows version. ?

So where can I get a limited price for the limited scope android version. Pls tell me :D


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2 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

You claim dissatisfaction with a mobile app.

It is not build to replace the use of the desktop client, or at least the web client.

Mobile has a limited scope, and is build around it. You can claim you don’t like it, but for many jobs it not designed to do them efficiently. And the limited screen real estate doesn’t encourage gimmicks like movable column margins

Search is an issue. I refrain to the advanced search syntax, but this is no option for most users. The search is obviously broken using the filters options.

I have no issues with Umlaute.

The note not available and the problem with moving a note point to a corrupted local database. When did you last uninstall, dumping all data and caches, and started a completely fresh install.

Do you wish more hardcopies for umlaut errors? I will provide them for you .

For the records : you have no issues with umlaute in the Android App Version ?

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  • Level 5

You are late to the party - Bulk editing (if it was ever possible, on iOS it positively never was an option) was at the latest removed October 2020 from the current app.

Bulk editing is an option on desktop, and (what is new) on the web client as well.

Make out of it what you want - these are the simple facts.

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  • Level 5

You don’t pay for any client (no matter how much of a Cleverle you want to appear). They are all free to download.

You pay for using the cloud server and the attached services. And that price doesn’t depend on the clients.

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  • Level 5

Just for the record: I don’t use privacy breaching, crappy operating systems. This means no Android, and Windows only controlled inside of a VM.

So don’t ask me what color the light is, because I don’t take my sunglasses 🕶️ model Schweißerbrille off. 

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  • Level 5

What you claim being wrong treatment of Umlaute is from a download. This means the source and EN are not on talking terms regarding the Unicode interpretation.

Unicode is the encoding of all characters in a hexadecimal coding system. It’s translated into visible characters by an app. In this case it looks like an encoding error.

Because usually EN gets it right with practically all websites I clip (and many of them have Umlaute), it’s probably caused by the source website, or by the transferring mechanism.

Since you only use Android, you can’t use the EN WebClipper. It’s only available on desktop browsers. The web clipper sends content directly to the EN server using the API.

On mobile the sharing sends the content directly to the receiving app. This method uses the internal sharing process of Android. You have 3 options now where Unicode translation can derail: Source website, Android, receiving app.

Pick a choice.

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1 hour ago, PinkElephant said:

You are late to the party - Bulk editing (if it was ever possible, on iOS it positively never was an option) was at the latest removed October 2020 from the current app.

Bulk editing is an option on desktop, and (what is new) on the web client as well.

Make out of it what you want - these are the simple facts.

bulk editing was possible on Android until last year. believe it or not

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1 hour ago, PinkElephant said:

You don’t pay for any client (no matter how much of a Cleverle you want to appear). They are all free to download.

You pay for using the cloud server and the attached services. And that price doesn’t depend on the clients.

nice argumentation. but the mice are captured by the apps.

btw evno holds my data hostage

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1 hour ago, PinkElephant said:

Just for the record: I don’t use privacy breaching, crappy operating systems. This means no Android, and Windows only controlled inside of a VM.

So don’t ask me what color the light is, because I don’t take my sunglasses 🕶️ model Schweißerbrille off. 

d'accord. and Bending Spoon should kill its crappy apps, to use your terms

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55 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

What you claim being wrong treatment of Umlaute is from a download. This means the source and EN are not on talking terms regarding the Unicode interpretation.

Unicode is the encoding of all characters in a hexadecimal coding system. It’s translated into visible characters by an app. In this case it looks like an encoding error.

Because usually EN gets it right with practically all websites I clip (and many of them have Umlaute), it’s probably caused by the source website, or by the transferring mechanism.

Since you only use Android, you can’t use the EN WebClipper. It’s only available on desktop browsers. The web clipper sends content directly to the EN server using the API.

On mobile the sharing sends the content directly to the receiving app. This method uses the internal sharing process of Android. You have 3 options now where Unicode translation can derail: Source website, Android, receiving app.

Pick a choice.

if Pocket is able to handle umlaute, poor Evernote should be able as well.

btw, a simple regex whould have solved this issue years ago 😁

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  • Level 5
10 minutes ago, ß-Tester said:

bulk editing was possible on Android until last year. believe it or not

No I don’t believe it.

I waited for this answer (sorry for spanning the trap). It simply shows you were running on deprecated, unsupported software since 2020.

No need to discuss this further, it’s obvious.

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1 hour ago, PinkElephant said:

What you claim being wrong treatment of Umlaute is from a download. This means the source and EN are not on talking terms regarding the Unicode interpretation.

Unicode is the encoding of all characters in a hexadecimal coding system. It’s translated into visible characters by an app. In this case it looks like an encoding error.

Because usually EN gets it right with practically all websites I clip (and many of them have Umlaute), it’s probably caused by the source website, or by the transferring mechanism.

Since you only use Android, you can’t use the EN WebClipper. It’s only available on desktop browsers. The web clipper sends content directly to the EN server using the API.

On mobile the sharing sends the content directly to the receiving app. This method uses the internal sharing process of Android. You have 3 options now where Unicode translation can derail: Source website, Android, receiving app.

Pick a choice.

again, you are using the windows version, i am using the android version which worked verry fine but gets worse and worse and crappier. Bending Spoon employes Kindergarten ptogrammers.

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  • Level 5
10 minutes ago, ß-Tester said:

nice argumentation. but the mice are captured by the apps.

btw evno holds my data hostage

Nobody holds your data hostage.

You can export even by using the Android app. Unfortunately it’s only one note after the other, but that’s your own choice.

You could any time use a desktop client.

You could (if you find out how) use the EN backup project from GitHub. I doubt they have an Android version on the ramp.

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  • Level 5

I don’t think I used the Windows version in years.

You are free to pick any client available. It’s your own decision to stick with Android alone.

Simply accept that bad decisions by yourself come with unhappy consequences. Change your decision to get better results.

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54 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

No I don’t believe it.

I waited for this answer (sorry for spanning the trap). It simply shows you were running on deprecated, unsupported software since 2020.

No need to discuss this further, it’s obvious.



and i could mark several notes and tag them withe the same tag or move to another note book.

Please inform yourself before answering.

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5 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

It is not build to replace the use of the desktop client, or at least the web client.

fyi, this is the

Evernote for Android Issues (Versions 10.0 and above) board,

not the windows one 😂

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1 hour ago, PinkElephant said:

I don’t think I used the Windows version in years.

You are free to pick any client available. It’s your own decision to stick with Android alone.

Simply accept that bad decisions by yourself come with unhappy consequences. Change your decision to get better results.

Accept my point of view:

Android is not my favorite, but using EN was the worse decision.

And again, this is the Evernote for Android Issues (Versions 10.0 and above) 

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  • Level 5
24 minutes ago, ß-Tester said:

Accept my point of view:

Android is not my favorite, but using EN was the worse decision.

And again, this is the Evernote for Android Issues (Versions 10.0 and above) 

I didn't tell which decision to take. I just told you it's YOUR decision that led to yourself being unhappy.

So solve your own problem by revisiting your decision.

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  • Evernote ist nicht abwärtskompatibel. Bilder in alten Notizen sind of nicht mehr anzeigbar, belegen aber trotzdem Speicherplatz
  • i pay for 10 GB although they only store links to volatile external pictures.
  • Accept it or not, i mean thats near betrayal
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  • Level 5
47 minutes ago, ß-Tester said:


and i could mark several notes and tag them withe the same tag or move to another note book.

Please inform yourself before answering.

The Android apps older than v10 were deprecated in October 2020.

From that moment on they were unsupported, had (potential) security issues and were used without coverage by EN. They only allowed these outdated apps to still sync with the server, for whatever reason. iOS pre-v 10 was stopped cold in October 2020, no excuses.

This means you couldn't officially install the older Android clients any more from the PlayStore (you could from some shady app-mirror sites).

Even when I never use these apps, I am pretty well informed about which was when. You can't claim any official software supported bulk operations after October 2020, and that's it. So you are late to the show, or you didn't mind entrusting your data to unsupported, potentially insecure software. Which makes the discussion about 2021, 2022 or 2023 rather pointless (or reckless, depending on your view).

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7 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

I didn't tell which decision to take. I just told you it's YOUR decision that led to yourself being unhappy.

So solve your own problem by revisiting your decision.

You don't want to understand.

My solution to the problem is to cancel my subscription. Already done!

I'll be gone after the migration.

Until then, I'll document the smallest EN error.

BTW You can't justify the miserable support with Windows vs Android.


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  • Level 5

I have no issues with older attachments. I have some with newer, which usually fixes itself after a day or so, but that's a bug.

EN always attached pictures, except when you as user decided to link them.

If an attachment appears broken, first check on the web server, which allows to view the cloud servers content (again, if you say you can or not is unimportant. You could, if you wanted). If it's there, your local copy is broken.

If not the server copy is compromised. In this case you need to go through support.

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1 minute ago, PinkElephant said:

The Android apps older than v10 were deprecated in October 2020.

1st of all there was bulk editing

2nd : wrong, they worked until 2023

However EN is fading away. And for the records - if i cant trust the Android version why should i trust the window version ?

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  • Level 5
2 minutes ago, ß-Tester said:

You don't want to understand.

My solution to the problem is to cancel my subscription. Already done!

I'll be gone after the migration.

Until then, I'll document the smallest EN error.

BTW You can't justify the miserable support with Windows vs Android.


Oh, I'm happy you terminated your subscription.

I wouldn't have thought about subscribing to a multi platform system if I was searching for an Android only app. You learned this now, and corrected your mistake. Gorgeous !

You can spend your time to document "the smallest error". Up to now I have to tell you that more often than not you missed, either the error or the root cause. But you learned about what to subscribe to, so maybe you will learn about what is an error or not as well.

The Android fraction had a lot of fun with this topic in the last years, if I look at the forum posts about this platform. So enjoy, it will be a full time job. 

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  • Level 5

Windows XP ist still working, Windows 7, 8, 8.1 as well.

Android 9, 10, 11 are still working.

But they all are deprecated, no updates, no fixes, no support. Who is still using them is doing so at their own peril.

The same happened to all EN versions prior to v10 (version numbers starting with a 10) from October 2020.

They were technically still operating, but they were deprecated, unsupported and could officially not be installed. There were ways to work around this, but these were shady. It is stupid to claim these were "working" apps. No, they were not, because the developer had abandoned them. 

You didn't receive a single update after October 2020. Because all updates happened on the v10 clients. You were just sitting on the dead horse, ignoring the smell and the black flies. Until the horse was officially taken to the morgue, when the server connection was finally cut. You were fortunate that this was the outcome - if there would have been a breach of security meanwhile, it could have compromised your server data as well.

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