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Just a feedback: "Publish to Web" sounds deadly tense!

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When click [Share] for a note there is an option "Publish to Web" - that sounds deadly!

If that means - it will be a subject of open-web with searching - I DO NOT NEED THAT!

I want my note available ONLY BY LINK. It should NOT be AVAILABLE BY SEARCH in web.


Just a feedback - need to rename "Publish to Web" to something more "safe" for user eyes. 

Or (at least) - need to add a warning message, like this: "note will not be available for search robots in the internet".


I'm sharing my notes ONLY FOR PERSONS WHO HAVE A LINK. I do not need it "available in the web" in a wide-sense of this term.

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  • Level 5

In my opinion you are either overthinking or overinterpreting. Inform yourself and think about the real difference between sharing to a known recipient and sharing a link.

The shared link can be passed on without your consent. On the other hand you don’t need to know the recipients data - you could post the link in social media, for example.

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19 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

In my opinion you are either overthinking or overinterpreting. Inform yourself and think about the real difference between sharing to a known recipient and sharing a link.

The shared link can be passed on without your consent. On the other hand you don’t need to know the recipients data - you could post the link in social media, for example.

No! This is very important thing!

You mentioned word "consent" and seems that is a root of your mistake - you are trying to think in a wrong way. Please try to look different...

For example - I want to share something which should be available only for "internal network of close friends" - the ones who has a link. 
In such situation - it is ok when somebody in our "internal network of close friends" share a link to a friend outside of our circle. A friend of our family has lot of own friends (in own circle) - we cannot know them all, we cannot add them as "recipients" in EverNote but we are ok to share this information with each to whom our friend trust. 

But that is absolutely NOT OK if that information could be revealed accidentally by somebody's search in google or such!

Thus, so-called "consent" does not matter at all! The one thing which is matters - a convenient way of sharing information inside a "trusted circle" without enforcing all that people to be "registered" in our access list. 


Also an example - I want to share information ONLY FOR MYSELF (or - also for anybody who has the same short-link to it), when I can got access to it from any point in a world (ex: by shortificated link). But it is absolutely unacceptable to have this information accidentally available via google!


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1 hour ago, dmitry_bond said:

When click [Share] for a note there is an option "Publish to Web" - that sounds deadly!

Both options prevent public crawlers (search engines) from accessing your note without having the detailed web address:

  • [Shared] with specific people means:
    • You define exactly, who gets a note URL of form https://www.evernote.com/client/web#/note/<note-ID>
    • and you can define whether the recepient of the invitation eMail can read/modifiy/invite-others
    • The note can be opened only within the EN environment (Web-APP)
  • [Shared] with web means
    • An URL of form https://www.evernote.com/shard/s333/sh/<note-ID>/<notebook-ID>. created
    • Everyone who gets this complete address from you is able to read the note's content - so send it only to trusted persons...
    • The note is presented in HTML format, read-only and contains no further information regarding creation dates, reminders or tags

In both cases You are free to remove sharing possibilities later. As long as you do not publish the <note-ID> [and <notebook-ID> in case of web links], your content is safe. Both IDs are 64-bit-numbers coded in Hex format. No computer in our world will be able to generate random IDs to crack you notes 😉

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22 hours ago, AlbertR said:

Both options prevent public crawlers (search engines) from accessing your note without having the detailed web address:

  • [Shared] with specific people means:
    • You define exactly, who gets a note URL of form https://www.evernote.com/client/web#/note/<note-ID>
    • and you can define whether the recepient of the invitation eMail can read/modifiy/invite-others
    • The note can be opened only within the EN environment (Web-APP)
  • [Shared] with web means
    • An URL of form https://www.evernote.com/shard/s333/sh/<note-ID>/<notebook-ID>. created
    • Everyone who gets this complete address from you is able to read the note's content - so send it only to trusted persons...
    • The note is presented in HTML format, read-only and contains no further information regarding creation dates, reminders or tags

In both cases You are free to remove sharing possibilities later. As long as you do not publish the <note-ID> [and <notebook-ID> in case of web links], your content is safe. Both IDs are 64-bit-numbers coded in Hex format. No computer in our world will be able to generate random IDs to crack you notes 😉


It looks you completely ignored the problem which I mentioned.

I perfectly know all you described here. But this is irrelevant to my concerns.


But ok. I will try to explain again...

First option you mentioned "[Shared] with specific people means" - has no sense in our scenario because we do not know with whom our friends also share a note.

Description for second option does not tell anything about my concern!!! 

Let me put it straight-forward - can you give guarantees that a note I shared to the web WILL NEVER BE SCANNED BY SEARCH ROBOTS?!

Because the button name - [Publish to Web] - that sounds "dangerous", it sounds like it could be scanned by search robots and could be available via google! 

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  • Level 5

If that’s what bugs you, don’t share …

Your problem is not technical, and obviously can’t be solved by a technical discussion. Everything that needed to be said has been said - kudos at @AlbertR .

If you want any official statement, contact support.

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2 hours ago, dmitry_bond said:

can you give guarantees that a note I shared to the web WILL NEVER BE SCANNED BY SEARCH ROBOTS?!

You know how such robots work? They start with a root URL, take all pages there, scan the pages for URLs and continue these steps until no further URLs are found. Pages can be static (like *.html) or dynamic (like scripts) and can take parameters (?...) with know parameter names...

https://www.evernote.com might be such a root URL but as long as there is no page found that contains URLs with your <note-ID>, a crawler robot cannot continue below URLs containing <note-ID>. This technique to avoid robot scans is the only one that works perfectly (beside securing a page by a password in .htaccess files). All other advices like robots.txt files, "robots" meta tags or other HTTP headers like "X-Robots-Tag" might be ignored by robots.

As long as you avoid to publish your <note-ID>, <notebook-ID> and client-ID anywere, the note will never be scanned by search robots.
Even if you construct such a note URL with these parameters, it cannot be found as long as you do not [Publish to Web] because EN's web server will not deliver it.

If you supply these information and [Publish to Web], the note's public shared URL might be given to a search robot to advice it to start with this URL. But that's your problem.

2 hours ago, dmitry_bond said:

the button name - [Publish to Web] - that sounds "dangerous"

Whole life is dangerous. To avoid any problem with sharing information, don't share at all... 😉

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