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Will registry hack help to log in into the client v6.25.1 to retrieve not synced notes from my pc?

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On juli 31st I logged out from the desktop client V6.25.1 and could no longer log in.

I upgrade to the paid subscription (I had more then 1065 notes so I had to) and when I logged into the client more then 500 notes were missing.

I assume the 1065 wil still be on my pc, but how do I retrieve them.

I found interesed info on this forum but will it help?

Especially the answer that is shown in the chinese link (use google translate).
So I had the windows desktop V6.25.1 of Evernote on my pc with 2 user accounts.
But on juli 31st I logged out from from all accounts and after that I could no longer log in.
Off course I had seen the messages starting up that a newer version was available and also I had seen the message that I exceeded the limit for synchronisation.
I had a free account so I could not request for a ticket for help, but I could use the program so it did not bother me. I now realiaze that was stupid notto think about that......
But after logging out, I could not login anymore.
So I installed V10 and de-installed V6.25.1.
When I opened the V10 about 500 notes were missing, appearantly those are only the synced notes??
I was and still am totally in shock.
Today I have made a windows recovery (set before the time  that I deleted the V6.25.1 version).
And of course I can't login.
My hope is now that all the notes are still on my pc.
And after reading the post about the registry hack I thought that might help to login in again.
But I don't understand the suggestion for the registry hack
Is here anyone that can help me to see if the registery hack can make it possible to open Evernote client with all my 1065 notes, so I can make export files to import in the V10 version for which I already have a paid subscription so everything can be synced. Can anyone make screenshots in the reply so I can follow the steps but I prefer someone to do that for me, for example with teamvieuwer (send me a pb then).
Can anyone try out if the registry hack works to open the cleint V6.25.1 and retrieve the notes from the pc?
Kind regards from the Netherlands,
Edited by jojobobo
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  • Level 5

You can try to retrieve what’s missing by using the „circumvent login“ method.

If you want to import into EN, you need to use the ENEX export. But you won’t be able to import them into EN again on Free. You don’t have sufficient upload bandwidth, and I’m not sure you are allowed to create new notes this way.

To import you’ll likely need to subscribe, at least for a month.

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