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Camera vs Scan

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What's the difference between the Evernote input options 'Scan' and 'Camera'?

Scan is obviously for documents but I don't see a significant difference from a photo of the document - am I missing something? For smaller pages, I find the 'scan' incorrectly identifies a business card forcing me to switch to the camera.

(I'm assuming the difference is not resolution-related since that feels like a hardware thing)


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Hi.  Both options will capture the content of an object,  whether it is a business card,  a road sign,  a product box or a document.  All files can be visible inline,  or as a title;  but images are limited to one document page.  Scans can be multi-page.  And OCR is (AFAIK) slightly different - images generate word 'trees'.  The word "house" on an image of a sign may be  flagged as house/ horse/ hearse/ hose;  documents are converted to text characters,  so occupy less space than images and "house" always = house.  Product boxes are not amenable to scans.

Basically use whatever is most convenient to you;  but if you can scan it,  I'd normally prefer a scan.

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With Scan the shutter will be released automatically, with camera manually. Scan will search the document edges and cut away the area outside of it, applying a trapezoid correction. Camera doesn’t.

If a document was wrongly identified, you have a selection below the camera area. Simply switch it from BC to Document.

The preview will look weird, but the saved picture is ok.

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