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"Notebook not found" when trying to access shared notebook

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Someone shared a notebook with me.

I got the link via email from evernote.

When I click on the link, it takes me to Evernote but an error message saying "Notebook not found" comes up.

This notebook has been successfully shared with others before using the same method.

How do I get around this?

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Dunno.  Not a feature I use.  But since no one has chimed in, I'll go ahead and comment.  First, it would be more likely that one of the folks here who are experienced with this feature could help you if you provide some additional information: version of Evernote, platform (web, android, IOS, PC MAC) and version of your operating system.

Also, I suppose it could just be a matter of time and that the backend server syncing process hasn't gotten around to updating your account yet.

Finally, the most direct view to what's in your account is through the web client.  So, I would suggest logging onto your Evernote account using a browser directed to evernote.com.  Is the notebook there?  Then it's a syncing issue between the Evernote service and your local device.  



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  • Level 5*
13 hours ago, bs11705 said:

How do I get around this?

Hi.  You show here as a 'free' member.  If that's correct,  beware checking out your account on other devices - you only have one or two allowable connected devices. 

Have you checked with the owner of the shared notebook to make sure you still have access?  How did you receive your invitation?  Via Evernote or direct from the owner?  If someone else sent you the link they may not have the authority to invite others.

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Hi, thanks for your replies.

I am using the web version of Evernote. The notebook was shared to me via the following method: right-click on notebook -> share notebook

I was then sent an email by evernote with the link to the notebook.

The link takes me to Evernote but an error saying "Notebook not found comes up".

2 attempts at sharing were made - both this week.

To clarify, I am not trying to share the notebook - someone is trying to share the notebook with me.

I have tried logging in with different accounts, including one set-up with the email that my supervisor shared the notebook with but the problem persists.

I have tr


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Hmmn.  I just tried the share notebook process out to remind myself how it works in detail.  I've shared lots of notes and notebooks though,  so my main account no longer sends email to my test account.  I did immediately get a copy of the shared notebook (plus a test note) in my test account,  so the process appears to be working.  Do you see a "shared with me" section in the left hand panel of the main note window?

EDIT - See also https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208314748-Share-notebooks for some general background!

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I'm out of ideas then!  That URL I added to the previous post has some links to Support - it may take a while to get a response,  but I'd suggest you contact them in case this doesn't magically sort itself out.  Meantime about the only alternative would be for your supervisor to export the note to an ENEX file and send you that file to import into your account.  (More instructions below...)


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Hmmn.  (Again) - just for the record I apparently DO get emails to say I shared a notebook with myself (via a different email address) - clicking on the link takes me to the shared notebook via the web app.  As you're on a free account,  you do need to make sure that the web app is an authorised device on your account.  If your supervisor has shared by email address both you and he are presumably surrounded by corporate security - has he been able to share to others recently?  If not maybe your environment is the issue here...

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Yes, when the poster mentioned "supervisor," my thought was that there is a security limitation affecting the poster's ability to have access to the shared notebook.


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  • Level 5*
17 hours ago, katiehko said:

Same issue. Wondering if it's an issue with the most recent update.

Welcome to the party.  What version number would you consider the "most recent"?

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I am experiencing the same issue. We have a notebook that we shared with a paid evernote account. When they click on the link to accept the invitation, they get "Notebook not found" error. If I share a smaller notebook with them, it works fine. The notebook causing the error has only 5500 notes in it. Other people the notebook is shared with have no issue access it. All are on the same OS and same version of Evernote. Does not work on the web or in the app. It feels like a bug has been introduced. We are working with Evernote support but have been told it may take awhile to investigate. We're in a bad place is this account cannot get to this notebook. Appreciate any thoughts? Thanks.

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  • Level 5*
14 hours ago, ShesWiredWCH said:

It feels like a bug has been introduced.

Hi.  Why?  If other share-ees can still see that notebook,  one lock-out is a local issue for them,  not a generic bug.  See previous comments about firewalls and export to ENEX.  If this is a popular share you might also consider Postach.io which is a third-party add-on that can create a published website out of an Evernote notebook.  The paid version includes password protection for the content.

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Thanks for your reply Gazumped. 
I neglected to put in my post that this person had access to the notebook. When they experienced an issue with tags, support suggested we remove the person from the notebook and add them back. We did all the recommended items to clear and reboot, added them back in and had this issue. I have tried to share the Notebook with another account and experienced the same results. I’ve tried accepting the notebook on different computers at different locations. I’ve even tried accepting at the same location that another person is located that can use the notebook. I’m struggling as to why I would need to use a paid third party app when I already pay for Evernote to do this job. I appreciate your feedback. Thanks. Sue

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Is this export for collaboration,  or just information?  Unless the notebook owner needs to see changes made by the recipients,  you could just export the whole thing to ENEX and share it by email.  Recipients then import the notebook into their own Evernote account and review the content.  Updates would need to be further exports.

A variation could be to export the shared notebook and re-import it into your own account as a copy of the original.  Try sharing this 'copy' account as before...  if successful you would be back to normal.

While I appreciate that additional costs are unwelcome,  you did say you were in a bad place until this is resolved...

I hope you've been back to Support on this too...  I don't see why cancelling and attempting to reinstate a share would cause problems,  but they may have some other ideas.

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Gazumped, Thanks for the idea of exporting, reimporting and sharing. I will try that. This is a highly interactive notebook for our business so that may do the trick. We are keeping the support folks updated on the issue.  I appreciate the workaround and feedback. 

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Just a quick update--- Making a copy and sharing that new notebook did not work. Still getting "notebook not found" error. It looks like I can share individual notes with folks so we can keep working until Support can give us more guidance. Thanks.

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