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The latest "improvement" to the iOS Evernote app goes me a default set of options that 99% of the time are not useful for me. I have to select my user icon then choose "My Widgets" to get the features I need. In an earlier version, it defaulted to My Widgets but no more. 

I'm open to a quick solution, but have not found one yet. Evernote, if you are monitoring this thread, please address this functional user need. 

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28 minutes ago, dpotenzi said:

Evernote, if you are monitoring this thread, please address this functional user need. 

Hi.  They're not paying attention here - we're mainly other users.

For a more timely notification please raise this with Support https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new (be very patient for a response) or feed it back to feedback@evernote.com    

In both cases you'll get a 'thanks' response but they won't keep you in the loop - when and if the feature changes it will come as part of a future update.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I agree - Widgets are most useful to me. Why they still exist in settings, but aren't available as a "home screen" makes no sense.

EN seems to have a very specific user in mind - people who will create content on their iphone. My use pattern is to mostly create content on my PC, and have it available wherever I am. I'm afraid that EN may so drift from what's useful that I can no longer rely on it.

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