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Merging notes just keeps spinning...

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I tried to merge two notes from Citibank when their application failed to transfer money.  I wanted screenshots and copies to log an issue with them and a few notes, some images &  some HTML web page content.  Then I tried merging the notes and its been spinning for well over an hour without failing or rolling back.  I though I lost the note but it was in the trash - thankfully y'all did that. Much appreciated.  But still the note spins...is there any way I can cancel or undo the merge operation or roll it back?  

Note: I am running Evernote in the browser on Mac. 

I cannot contact support due to another bug - "Oooops, an unexpected error occurred" trying to login to the help portal so I am trying this forum.

I look forward to the help and please pardon the snarky title of the note below: I have been trying to contact evernote support for several issues for weeks now, only to consistently get the "ooops" message.  


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  • Level 5

I don't think it can be rolled back. You can check in note history of each note if you can go back to a prior version.

Trashed notes need to be restored from the trash before this is possible.

About the login problems check if this may help:


And for the future pleas post in the correct subform. This was posted in iOS, which means the mobile client. There is a different subform for MacOS.

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Just to confirm: MacOS would be the forum for the Browser version? next one will definitely go there. thanks. 

That login page immediately gives me the oopsie. And thanks for the assist.  I can't seem to get evernote help to help since I can't login.  super frustrating. 

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  • Level 5

Oh yes, you said "in the browser". No, that's the Web Client subform.

Most login problems are related to having something stored in the browser cache or in the website data. Erasing both will usually heal the problem. If not it may be that some extra software like an ad blocker or a firewall prevents the access.

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Cleared the browser cache multiple times.  Since i have evernote on three platforms (chrome browser on Mac OS, the actual Mac OS platform, and IOS app on iPhone) I am skeptical that cookies will help since they are all different application instances and the problem is the same. Because this problem blocks me from logging a bug (and has for months)  I cannot seem to get evernote help's attention.  They don't have an email address nor a zendesk account that I can log into.  Since their helpdesk is blocked for me by this bug, you can imagine my frustration.... 

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  • Level 5

As I wrote in several postings, you eat an elephant by slicing it into steaks (well, hrrrg, not here and now and THIS elephant 😱).

Which means you need to break down an issue.

A problem to reach a site can be device related, network related or an ISP issue. It is very rare the site itself can't be reached because it is down for maintenance, or because undergoing an attack (DDOS).

  • Device: You say the problem persist on several devices, so unlikely. But in the cloud era stuff proliferates over devices, so you should still use a different browser to cross check. Different means with a different engine. Since most browsers use the Chrome engine, all these are poisoned !
    Use Firefox or Safari, they run on their own code.
    Sometimes devices are under management by an IT department. They can block anything, and often devices under an MDM needs whitelisting - all sites are blocked unless manually listed as exception.
  • Network: Sometimes stuff is blocked on a whole network (like by a Pi-Hole, or a network Firewall). Connect through a personal hotspot instead, or take your device to a public WiFi.
  • ISP: The critical point is the DNS resolver. Many ISPs run their own resolver - not because they donate it, but because it allows them to collect data about which websites are visited by their subscribers. ONLY to improve service for their clients, NEVER to sell this tracking data to the highest bidder (😅 believe this, but don't quote me 😇). Change the DNS resolver if you can, to (Cloudflare) or (Quad9). Good but as always spooky is (Google).

The help sites are easily reached, I have been there several times in the last hours, and they always open.

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is there an alternative way?  I get this message every time, on every device (mac, ios, browser), on every browser (safari & chrome), even after clearing my cache and deleting cookies. 



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  • Level 5*
3 hours ago, Tcastrio said:

is there an alternative way?

If you have a mobile app,  try looking for Support under Evernote Settings.

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Alas, another excellent idea but still...its unfortunately the same error on every platform.  I cannot reach support and they don't have enough sense to catch/log uncaught exceptions.  I am probably going to have to move to another note-taking platform after almost 13 years of use.  It's kinda sad but what can you do?  for a product that is no longer inexpensive, I expect some level of service. I just don't know what else to do? 


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