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Code Blocks Have Wrecked All My Notes

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I have hundreds of notes where I used to Ctrl-Shift+L and could paste in a code snippet. Now these old notes have had all those code snippets changed to a mix of SQL, Lua, Swift, BASH etc. Because of that, things like comments (#) are all different colours, in italics etc., depending on what the Auto feature has decided to guess at what was in them. I've had problems with new code blocks that included tabs but when trying to Ctrl-C an individual line, it's been impossible to copy. I can only copy part of the line. There has to be a way to switch these off, or at the very least change the default setting for all existing code that's been changed without being asked to Plain Text. It will take me forever to go and change probably thousands of code snippets to Plain Text manually.  




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18 minutes ago, smoo said:

There has to be a way to switch these off

As you already found,  there's a 'plain text' option.  There doesn't appear to be a default,  so you'd need to change each entry as you come to use it - a one-time overhead which is a nuisance but not the end of the world.  We're other users here,  so you should feed this back to Evernote or raise it with Support so they're aware...

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I also raised a ticket:



I'm glad the team keeps introducing core features like the new Quote block and refactoring the Code block to support syntax highlighting.

Unfortunately, I believe there may be many users like me who used the Code block to quote text, in the absence of the quote block, and have done so for a really long time.

Now, the way you changed the Code block is that it assumes it's code, when it's not, in such case, and messes up the formatting accordingly, making my numerous quotes in code block hard to read.

As a suggestion, I would recommend to implement a “No formatting” option to code blocks and default to it for all existing code blocks, and for newly inserted code blocks to have it set to “Auto”.

Alternatively, an option to prompt user to convert all existing Code blocks to Quote blocks across all notes (but it may be riskier), or a feature to 1 click convert manually a code block to a quote block.

Thanks for your consideration!

P.S. as additional quality of life feature, allowing quote blocks to be collapsed and an option in settings to collapse them by default would be great! eg. same rationale as for pdf where you may want their content hidden until clicking on them.


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I like the idea of code blocks and can see me using them for actual code going forward, but the way it's been implemented has really messed up my previous notes that just contained text rather than what Evernote decides it is. I like your suggestion of adding a "“No formatting” option to code blocks and default to it for all existing code blocks, and for newly inserted code blocks to have it set to “Auto”". This would solve my problems and now would be the time to implement it before users start using the new features. I've just checked and my earliest notes go back to 2009 so you can imagine how much of an issue this is for me. 

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Seriously, if anyone else is using the code block feature with Evernote 10.91.1 on Windows 10 must be seeing how broken it is currently? Any new code blocks will stop allowing you to highlight and copy the text within it repeatedly. If I try and delete, say, the last character of the text, it will start deleting characters from elsewhere. Please, try pasting this yourself. It Auto-Selects Swift but the same problem happens with PlainText

keytool -importkeystore -deststorepass default -destkeypass default -destkeystore /data/NOT/REAL_DATA/usr/servers/passmServer/resources/acting/mytrustTrustFile.jks -srckeystore /data/install/certs/myserver_trust_file.p12 -srcstoretype PKCS12 -srcstorepass Thisisbroken -alias broken-full-chain


In this Plain Text example, I simply cannot edit any of the "unhighlighted" sections. This happens in both the Windows Client and the online web version, somehow. 


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Unfortunately it has become quite the norm that new features get rolled out half baked and bug ridden. No idea why, I see this as one of the most stupid moves, taking away all the positive impact of long awaited new features. 2 weeks and one loop more, and everybody would praise them.

You should contact support about it, or send your feedback here 


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I've got a support ticket open which had a cursory email response "In order to maximize our team's impact and ensure we can properly assist as many Evernote customers as we can, we're not able to follow up on every individual bug report". I'll try that mail address too - thanks!

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You get an initial answer. There is an option hidden somewhere in that response which takes you to a support clerk.

What is true is they can’t serve all requests.

If they would roll out better quality, this problem would go away - fast.

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