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Evernote iOS home screen doesn't show my recent notes

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Hi Evernote,

I recently updated Evernote 10.86.1, but I noticed that I cannot see the most recent notes I have edited or created.

This is very inconvenient for me. 

Can you change it back?


Thank you very much!



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  • Level 5*

Hi.  We're not Evernote - mostly other users here.  I doubt Evernote will change the landing page off of one request - can you not just select 'notes' from that screen and view your recent content?

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  • Level 5

It is one tap on the Notes icon, and the notes should be there. However, it depends on the sorting order you have selected that the most recent will show first.

To the old Home Screen it is 2 taps: Tap on your account icon top left, now tap on "My widgets". This will not stick, you need to go there again.

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