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Note in more than one Notebook

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I occasionally find a note belongs in more than one notebook, and I have to make a strategic choice where it belongs more. (Of course one can have duplicate notes,which is not ideal.)

Is this a common need I wonder? It is a feature of UpNote.

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  • Level 5*

It's very bad database practice to have two versions of anything.  Evernote could use a 'mirror' or transclusion feature where one note can appear in two or more places,  maybe by using a different form of internal link.  I just use tags for the moment...

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This is the main reason I using tagging as my primary organisation method. Often I can't pigeon hole a note into just one category. If I didn't use tags I would create a note with the same title and an internal link to the note, which could then be put in a different notebook.

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