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If I downgrade to free, can I still access my multiple notebooks?

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Hi folks --

I've been a dedicated Evernote user since 2011, but am seriously considering migrating to a different application.

My main question is: if I downgrade from "Personal" to "Free," will I still be able to access my approx. 20 notebooks and ~3,500 notes? My plan is to migrate the most important notes to my new application, but I would want to keep Evernote as a reference for my existing/older notes.

The "Free" tier says that you are restricted to "creating 1 notebook." Does that mean that I would still be able to access my already-created 20 Notebooks? The "Free" tier also says you can "create up to 50 notes." Does that mean I would still be able to access by already-created ~3,500 notes? 



P.S. I didn't come here to beat up Evernote, but in case folks are curious, these are my main reasons for planning to migrate:

- Overall the app has, in recent years, become more clunky/cluttered/slow/always updating. I value speed, simplicity, and reliability, and these all seem to be suffering. 

- The price keeps going up. In 2022, I paid $70. In 2023, I paid $78. This year it looks like the price will nearly double to $130. Evernote is worth quite a bit to me, but that amount is starting to exceed the value I get from it.


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You'll be able to edit/delete/export all that you have. You won't be able to create anything new. 

No notes are lost. 

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  • Level 5

Just to mention 2 more things:

You won’t be able to move any note to another notebook, so this should be consolidated before the drop to Free happens.

And the 2 devices limit is still effective, for devices and for unsyncs - better reduce the devices count by unsyncing devices before. Else the unsync will not be possible, because you run out of unsync slots before you can bring the devices count down to 2.

In general the account should be running on Free limits already before the downgrade happens.

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