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Notebooks hidden, useless icons in Nav Bar on mobile



Seems like an obvious UX design flaw when it takes 2 clicks to get to Notebooks, which has been a core Evernote feature since forever.

Instead, 60% of the Nav Bar is useless unless you use shortcuts, tasks, and calendar. I've been an Evernote customer for a decade, and it wasn't until this redesign I realized I had 3 notes starred as shortcuts.

Also, why isn't Create a big, green button right in the middle of of the Nav Bar?

Assuming you won't make the Nav Bar customizable, please make Notebooks more accessible. I appreciate the contined efforts to improve the platform.

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I couldn’t disagree more. It now takes 1 tap from the notes view to reach any existing category:

Notebooks, Tags and Shares top row, Notes and Reminders second row, Notes, Shortcuts, Tasks and Calendar bottom row, plus the Create-Options. Pretty lean and efficient, better than before since it doesn’t take any scrolling to get at any category.

For users who mainly use Tags Notebooks are relatively unimportant, BTW. This interface serves all.


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Also, Notebooks in Stacks are the ones I use most often, so it now takes 3 taps most of the time to access the right Notebook then find a Note.

I've always stuck with Evernote because it has an easier UI/UX for managing notes, but now I can open my Google Docs as quickly as my Evernote notes.

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1 hour ago, bgolden126 said:

time to access the right Notebook then find a Note

I'm curious about this.  Why do you need to go into a notebook to find a note?  There are other ways to find a note.  Specifically, what are you trying to do?

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On 5/12/2024 at 4:51 PM, s2sailor said:

Why do you need to go into a notebook to find a note?

Good question @s2sailor. I have a notebook for each of my clients, each of the masterminds I'm in, one for health, one for nutrition, books, meetings, research, personal, etc.

Because many of the notes for my clients or masterminds are titled with the same topic (for example, "[client] - [topic]"), searching for them would return many of the same notes. So if it isn't a note I've used recently, I'll go to the notebook where I know I can find it.

This is especially useful when I don't remember the name of note. I often use Evernote to jot down ideas, so it's not uncommon I forget what I titled that thought. That's why I started using notebooks religiously, so I always know where I can find a note quickly (well, less so now).

The other big advantage of notebooks is being able to search within them, which I often do when I know a piece of information is in a note in that notebook, but I'm not sure which one. (You can't even do this anymore on mobile - go try! If the notebook you're looking for is in a stack, get ready for you search to search the entire stack instead of just that notebook 🤷‍♂️).

Of course, the notebooks I use most are in stacks, so that just makes them extra hidden - no longer do stacks stay expanded on mobile like they do on desktop.

To say this UI/UX update is for everyone is really short-sighted @PinkElephant...

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