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Adding Comments to Specific Text in a Note

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Will the ability to add comments to specific text in a note be a feature any time soon? Has it any degree of priority?
I'm looking for the ability to "Insert comment"  like the "Insert link."  This function would open a modal like the Insert link  to add text, pictures, hyperlinks, etc. with a blue Apply button or a green √ Checkmark button. The selected text in the Note then either appears underlined and blue or preferably underlined and green to show that it's an in-note comment. That comment is then automatically included in a Summary List associated with that Note.
The Note Summary List is itself a modal that contains a collapsed list of all the comments made to that Note, each also expandable, editable, and ideally linked to its initial point of insertion. The Summary list is accessed in the format menu next to "Insert Link"  when no text is selected. If text is selected then it creates or edits a comment. The particularly important feature is that it is a Note within a Note, (ie. a modal within a Note). Viewable individually by hovering over or clicking the specific text or as a Summary List of all the comments for that Note.
Can you suggest a workaround in its absence?
I am using 10.86.6 on  a Mac; 10.86.1 on an Android phone, and the Evernote web app.
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Hi.  You have a highly specific request which I don't recall seeing before.  Evernote haven't mentioned any features in development which might satisfy your need,  and offhand I can't think of an easy way to generate an alternative.  The closest suggestion would be to insert a link to a footnote using the table of contents feature,  or link to an external note containing the extra comments.  You could certainly feed this suggestion  back to Evernote,  or contact Support to request its addition,  but don't expect changes to happen overnight...

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  • Level 5

Embedded comments are typical for apps that create an "official" document, and allow to embed comments. The official document will not show the comments on exporting or printing (unless it is specified), it will only print the official part. MS Office does it, iWorks and LibreOffice as well, and probably others.

EN is a note app, not build to create "official documents". A note is a website, not a page mimicking word processor (or similar, spreadsheets or presentations are even further away). It never had such a feature in 1 1/2 decade, and I doubt it will get it in the nearer future.

There is a simple option to get them: Use an app and collaboration where comments are available, then save it into a note.

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17 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

Use an app and collaboration where comments are available, then save it into a note.

Would you detail how you would do this? 

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I see now, with your help, the issue is how  to access a comments page (secondary note) and I think the answer is an icon in the header bar. I can attach a page of secondary notes as you advise, but I have to scroll to that link to access them. I lose my place in the main note which is harder to work around on the mobile. Some of the notes I'm working have over a thousand words. But, with a comments icon in the header I can go to that secondary note from any point on the main note and not lose the point where I'm reading. This would be very useful for Evernote mobile. One click of the icon opens the secondary note, one click of Done, takes me back to my reading point in the main note. Since the secondary note is an EN note, it will format as usual, and always be easily accessed no matter the device.
Here is a visual for instance:
1 main note – a comment icon in header bar ( left of ••• ) to access the secondary note and one in the format bar to create.
2 comments windowDone takes you back to the main note.

1 main note.jpg

2 comments window.jpg

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  • Level 5

You won’t get a massive software change just because you think it will be useful for yourself.

Unless you can convince EN that it is a feature that will be used by many users, it will not happen. 

I have no use case for hidden comments to a note for myself. I rarely use that feature at all where it is available today.

Personally I see your proposal more as a danger than anything I would like to have. By intertwining 2 notes, they always need to be synced simultaneously. That’s not as easy as it seems, and for mobile it would mean taking the apps apart, and stitch them together again. Currently mobile can have one single note open at any time.

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Your help is appreciated. The key is:
1. The header bar link (always present without scrolling lengthy text) between the two notes.
2. The Slash command "Insert comment" 
On mobile it makes for a single click to a linked note, and a single click backlink. That function is current, but the ease of creation and one click header bar access is not. 
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OK. So the actual key is digging deeper into the app. There is a one click back and forth between a main note and a comments note that is easy peasy on mobile. It is not as easily used as the imagined "Insert comment."   But the always present link for the Android mobile is a menu  • • •  item named Backlinks, and on the Mac app find Backlinks at the top of a note by scrolling back up. And since I put the linked text or title at the bottom of the note, I have a click there as well.  Since I didn't find this info on search, I'll explain what likely many already know. Maybe you many might add or correct what I've missed.

The Backlink is created with a Note Link and on the Mac a Note link or New linked note – inserted  via the blue +  (both devices) and/or slash command on a Mac. That secondary note is then linked back to the main note the same way. 

Individual comments in a note can be directly linked using Heading levels and copying the resultant anchor link where needed and/or creating a table of contents. There is more detail I won't write here but I'll say I was initially put off by the large preview box made on the mobile until I found how to edit that. Which can't be done on mobile but I've no problem with doing the set-up on the desktop.

I still think "Insert comment"  has value since, if properly configured, it would be an easier way to include and edit add-on research and phrases to a secondary note. Which would then be a window in summary of all those add-ons without them messing up or complexing the original text.

This use of Backlinks facilitates navigation particularly on the one window at-a-time mobile app.  

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