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Evernote Stopped Sharing Notebooks and Notes Between 2 Personal Plans

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My business partner and I each have Personal plans. Mac Desktop and IOS versions. We have shared notebooks and notes without any problems for years. Now we can't share either notebooks or notes. The sharing process looks like it's working perfectly, but then just becomes "pending" and the shared content does not appear for the receiver. Our software is up to date. 

Is this a known bug? Any fixes we can do? We really need sharing! 

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  • Level 5*
On 4/26/2024 at 7:20 PM, GreenT said:

Is this a known bug? Any fixes we can do? We really need sharing! 

I'm not aware of issues with sharing - have you tried creating a new note/notebook to share?  What version number of Evernote are you using?

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What happens if you put your computer clients aside and one of you try sharing a note using the web client and your partner viewing the shared note from his or her web client?  That will eliminate problems with local clients from the picture.

Also, I assume you are sharing by using the email address option in the sharing dialog box and not by using the link option?  Maybe try the link option as a test and see if the behavior is any different?  I would try that on both the web client and your device client.

I'm wondering if one or the other of you has some weird connectivity issue: any new routers, VPNs, ISP, etc., in the picture?  Maybe take a laptop, go to a cafe, get some coffee and a donut, and see if things work outside of your normal Internet provider? Try some of these same tests.   Even if it doesn't make any difference, at least you will have gotten a good cup of coffee and a donut!

Also, just for general info, what versions of Evernote clients are you using on what operating systems and versions?



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