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Evernote keeps deleting newest edits to my notes and showing previous note version from a couple days ago

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I keep a running to - do list that has all my appointments and basically my whole week is mapped out which I am updating and editing daily. The last week or so, everytime I open the app, the note is showing old info and previous days notes which I have deleted already.  Everything I have added is gone and then I have to try and remember everything I had updated and re-enter it to the note.  I have done this twice and surprise! This morning I opened the app and it's showing my lists from yesterday and last week which I have already deleted.  Any advice? I've already deleted and redownloaded the app and still no help

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  • Level 5

For everybody in this thread: If on a subscription, you can open EN on a desktop client, and check the notes where you think something is missing. Open note history, and see if there is a version holding the content. If yes, you can restore it directly.

If not, the content has not been synced with the server. In this case you can try to force a sync in the mobile clients settings, synchronization.

If it’s not in note history and sync has run without effect, it most likely is not retrievable any more. You can still ask support - use the same client where you observed the problem, to attach the matching activity log at the ticket.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Same here and I just had to spend $15 on a monthly upgrade just to see that yes my notes previous version did have my needed updates which was great. However, I'd like to know why the current version was somehow reverted back to a far older version without me doing anything out of the normal since having this app for roughly ten years now? My mobile version was as up to date as my desktop so I dont even know where the older version update came from?

If anyone has an actual support contact email please reply here with it, I am not able to find any form of telephone, email or message contact of any kind.

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