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After 13 years paying customer had enough.

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I have simply had enough ! Paying for over 12 almost 13 years, supporting you in good and bad times. This wslas the final straw. For weeks I cant create new notes, or it crashes the app or it only creates new note after minutes of hanging. Same behaviour across 5 new Android devices on latest version and tried re install an 117 other things. I pay to be able to save important notes and this latest severe bug has lasted over 2 weeks now and no update has fixed it at all.

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  • Longreen changed the title to After 13 years paying customer had enough.
  • Level 5*

Hi.  As a subscriber you're able to contact Support to get issues like this sorted out - or at least get some idea when they might be addressed.  We're not Support - just mainly other users here.  There have been two recent updates to the apps which might have olved your problems anyway.  If you're up to date but still have issues,  contact https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new for assistance.

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