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Anyone had any issues with Evernote 10.53.1?

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My Evernote on both iPhone/iPad has failed in every way since it was installed yesterday AM. Fine till then—NOT afterward. My IOS on both devices up to date.

Can’t make or delete a note, save web articles to Evernote, sync, download existing notes to device, etc., basically anything. Nonfunctional.

Obviously, I should reinstall, but first need to know how to do that without losing all of my locally saved notes? (It’s a very long process to save 1000’s of these to your device—many days)

Thx. for feedback


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Thanks. Yes, they are there.

The problem w/10.53.1 seems to be with the offline notes. It does not seem to recognize previously downloaded notes and so starts to redownload every single one that I already downloaded months ago (I have a lot, 30k+ , because I use Evernote primarily as a portable library of useful articles, saved from web etc., over 10 years+).

Evernote does not function well when downloading notes offline. I can't unselect this under "manage offline notebooks" (the green dot stays stuck on). 

So the two bugs seem to be

1/ 10.53.1 does not recognize previously download notes in (IOS, iPhone/iPad)

2/ you can't unselect the download loop once it has begun (when Evernote has been fooled into thinking you haven't already downloaded them)

The create new note lag is there too, as others have documented. It takes ~3mins for me for a blank note to appear, before I can start typing in it (when there is "Title" line and green checkmark). 

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I have been able to sync obviously now (since notes are there on the web), and save to Evernote and delete notes.

It's the perpetual doom loop of unstoppable offline downloading that's the issue 😃 It's unclear what it's doing, whether it will be overriding every single note in the iPhone, or creating a duplicate of every one)

(I stopped it only in iPad by reinstalling and wiping all 32k notes off my iPad--but the iPhone will be chugging for weeks....). 

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I cannot create a note using the ios version that was just updated.  So frustrating.  I basically cannot use Evernote since I use my phone to take pictures of notes, etc.  The screen is either black or a spinning wheel. . .HELP!  It seems like there are all kinds of issues all of the time.

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Browser version on Windows seems  most robust to me (not the standalone Evernote version/program for Windows). Opera or MS Edge, etc.

**Starting to wonder whether this holds true for most apps. Can't recall experiencing a single systematic bug in a browser app --at least a show stopper. Seems the least headache route to using any app.

Tech guys on here will have a better view on this in principle/generally than me, i think 😁  

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10.53.2 solved all my issues (no or very limited and lagged syncing on iPhone/iPad, by a day or so, zero new notes showing up on latter esp, delayed or no new note creation possible etc, nonfunctional Evernote on iPad for a week) except for two remaining issues.

Thanks you!

(And nb: browser version of Evernote on PC has always functioned robustly for me)

Remaining issues for me: 

  • 10.53.2, like 53.1, won't allow me to download any notes to my iPhone iPad (even a single note selected individually). I select a note for downloading and the downloading circle just hangs and the note never saves to device. There's maybe some sort of interface problem between the Evernote server and saving on a local device.
  • the button icon for download notes seems to malfunction now--it doesn't show notes that have already been downloaded (it remains greyed out for them), and as above, will hang if you select it (attempted download frozen, stuck in death spiral with nothing happening)


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On 8/26/2023 at 5:23 AM, PinkElephant said:

10.53.2 just tried a note download. Worked, took maybe 30 seconds until the download indicator switched to Done.

Before taking things further, I would try a simple logout / login.


Tried that, but it doesn’t work for me.

Evernote tech support says it’s an issue they are working on:



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  • Level 5

Actually on my iPad I keep a full copy.

Download was done by notebook. When it was terminated, I switched to „all notes offline“, and kept it there ever since.

It smoothly synchronizes all changes and new notes, most of the time very fast within seconds, in some cases in a matter of some minutes.

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