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Where can I download old versions of Evernote.

Go to solution Solved by pronicd,

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Hello, I have been using Evernote for years,  but today I find it missing from my desktop. It seems that it has been "upgraded" to a newer version (can't recall allowing this!), which won't work on Mac OS10.11.6  This is the latest version of OS that will work on my MacPro!

I cannot find old legacy versions of Evernote on their website.

Can someone help please?

Also all my data has vanished when logging in via the browser!

But it is still there on my iphone.

Thanks in advance for any assistance!!!


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  • Level 5
21 hours ago, pronicd said:

Also all my data has vanished when logging in via the browser!

But it is still there on my iphone.

If there was an empty account when logging in on the web, you likely made a typo in the user name. This will create a new, empty account instead of logging into the existing one. Try again, make sure the user name is correct.

About reinstalling a legacy version: You are free to do what you want. Just keep in mind that a) legacy is deprecated now for nearly 3 years, unsupported, no changes or bug fixes and b) we expect it to stop syncing in the not too far future. Installing it may be a stopgap, but it is no sustainable solution.

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As told, the legacy clients are deprecated and unsupported.

No idea if EN now decided to tolerate existing installs, but won't allow new ones to connect. On installing legacy, you are practically on your own. As said, legacy is no sustainable solution for anybody.

If you don't like the new version, you probably need to search for an alternative. There are several threads in this forum about it that can help you to make up your mind. But in the end it boils down to the observation that the closes alternative to EN legacy is EN v10, and any other alternative needs to be thoroughly checked, based on your personal use cases.

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Did someone say my name... B)

That "version too old"notice may be prompted by either version of your database.  Both Legacy and v10 keep their own (separate!) copies in your local storage.  If you can get into v10 and sign out,  opting NOT to keep a copy of your data locally,  that will resolve one issue.  The Legacy database should be at  /Users/<youraccount>/Library/Application Support/Evernote and you may be able to 'hide' that in some way.  (I'm not a Mac user so you're on your own there.)

But if you then reinstall Evernote Legacy the server should rebuild your local database.  That takes time,  so beverages and books may be indicated

It is also possible that Evernote have made some changes to your online database that will torpedo all the above,  but there should be no harm in trying - that why you 'hide' rather than delete the old database files.

Good luck if you decide to try - and please let us know how you get on...

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Will try. Have just deleted the evernote app again.

Location for file is User/Library/Application Support and there appear to be two applicable plists: com.evernote.Evernote and com.evernote.EvernoteHelper

Also in User/Library/CoreDate there is com.evernote.Evernote

Also in User/Library/Group Containers is a bunch of Evernote stuff

There is other more specific stuff regarding web browser extensions and iphone backup stuff which I'm leaving well alone.

Have moved the rest of the files above to test......


Logged back in and it's working and notes are restored.

Evernote helper file has not yet been recreated, or ExternalRecords, so I will keep hold of these files for now, just in case I need to replace them, but I somehow doubt they will never be needed, as they should just get recreated as and when they are needed.

Success (for now)!

Thanks for your help gazumped!

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The location is different between the AppStore and the direct install.

If I need to uninstall, I use the app AppCleaner. It will detect all folders and files associated with an app, and let the user decide to keep it or to uninstall it as well. No need to acrobat through the directories, part of which are hidden in the default configuration.

On Windows the equivalent is Revo Uninstaller.

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