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La version  10.59.5 0 : lorsqu'on veut sélectionne une carnet de note et qu'on y applique une filtre il nous affiche "autorisations perdues"!!! je suis obligé de revenir à des versions antérieurs d'Evernote pour travailler! autre chose, beaucoup de vos raccourcis comme le ALT F2 ne marche pas!  il faut fiabiliser vos versions avant de les déployer! vous nous faites perdre beaucoup de temps!

cap ecran evernote.png

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  • Level 5

Yes, 10.59 is know for this problem. Currently the best way out seems to be to hope it is fixed in 10.60.

Rolling back to 10.58 works somehow, but it always tries to auto-update again to 10.59.

You can as well check in the forum for other work arounds. I am not sure if we already have an agreement about which work, and which don’t, or only under certain restrictions.

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I have lost all my study notes of last 3 yeara after updating to new version 10.59.5. I am a free subscriber. Does paid subscription will help me to recover lost notes. Please help me out. This is lot of mental trauma.

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