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Link to 1 minute survey on why I use old Evernote DIDN'T EVEN WORK (site can't be reached)

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I was opening Evernote on my personal phone today and I saw a blue bar asking me if I could complete a 1 minute survey about why I am still using an older version. However, when I clicked it, it said the webpage could not be found. I tried multiple times. I also had a different device (my tablet) and the same thing happened. This is my way to communicate what would have been written in the survey.

I use the old Evernote on my personal Android phone Evernote and my personal tablet. I use the new version of Evernote on my work phone.

I prefer the older version because:

1) searches are much faster, and work
2) Notes open faster (I've waited many minutes before, and when I need a note I need it NOW). For example, in Step 5 below, I had to open the note several times, and in one instance, I waited for 5 minutes to open, finally hitting the back key and trying to open it again. And it still won't open. Wow, I've been editing this post 15 minutes now wrestling with getting these notes with PDFs to open!

3) removed, it is possible (offline reading)

4) Fewer clicks to highlight text; that was a recent change and it is awful. I like to read and highlight articles on Evernote, and it is now taking too many clicks. To explain, first you have to click Edit, and lose 1/3 of the screen with the window. Then you have to click the format button (Aa). Then you have to click the highlight button. Each time you highlight. On legacy Evernote, you have to click Edit, you do lose 1/3, maybe 1/2 the screen, but the highlight button is there.

5) When I open the new Evernote on my Android, the Home screen appears to reflect notes for when it was not open, not the current state based on changes I made to my Evernote database on other devices. For example, it is showing Tasks that have already been completed, and showing as the most recent note, how it was when it was last opened. Only when I  click on Notes does it start syncing Evernote with changes that had been made on other devices

6) Evernote Android only allows you to open a PDF in the Evernote native App. This is a huge restriction as I prefer to open PDFs in XoDo. There have been threads about it, see here: 

here (1)

here (2)

I do see an Export, so maybe it is just more clicks?

7) Evernote Android sometimes can't even load the attachment. In trying out #6, I had one note that I uploaded yesterday where it says "Couldn't load attachment." Wow, a second one too. And I just opened them in legacy Desktop PC and Evernote 10 Desktop PC and the attachment pulls up fine. See picture showing it open in Acrobat on my computer (from Evernote) and can't open on the Android. 

So clumsy to just access notebooks and tag lists.


So here I am, editing this post to explain it more detail, and pulling up Evernote, and I'm already 8 minutes in trying to get the example notes to pull up in Evernote

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  • Level 5*

Hi.  While I totally sympathise that the new app is different from and clunkier than the old one,  the details don't especially matter.  Legacy is unsupported,  at current risk of glitches from OS and browser code changes,  and exposed to the longer-term threat of Evernote developments finally leaving it behind in the dust.  You can continue to favour the old app,  but sooner or later that won't be possible.

Best advice for anyone who has access to both apps (I'm in a similar position with Legacy on an old laptop and phone and v10 on my desktop and tablet) is to report individual instances which cause issues to Support,  and raise them here so that anyone else in the same situation can be encouraged to make etheir own report.  Only by having actual cases to investigate will Evernote know to take action.  Plus you can give far more detail about the keystrokes to highlight text (forinstance) in a post here,  including adding pictures.  Others can add more detail.  And yes,  you'll probably get jumped on by one or more of the old-timers like me with 'helpful' alternate work-around suggestions.

On your current list...  your comments don't seem to explain your title,  which suggests you found or were sent a link which didn't work.  Maybe give Support and us more details so that can be corrected?  And:

  1. Searches are a current issue and "should" be addressed in an update coming soon. It will presumably be a staged release.  so you will get it sooner if you watch out for an announcement and download it direct from Play / Evernote.com
  2. Notes open slowly because they're being translated from Legacy on the fly.  They're being kept in a backwards-compatible format so those still using the old app will have access.
  3. Offline reading should be possible - Set up offline notebooks on mobile devices - (there's more on laptops & desktops) which also gives you quicker access.
  4. No clue what's involved here - more information required please
  5. See (3) and (4) - notes are synced as you type when a network link is available
  6. Again more details needed - AFAIK most OS's will open a document in your default choice of app if it is available.

-And 'clumsy'?  a couple of comparative videos showing the same operation side-by-side might help explain that and give the developers some clues as to how to change things...

Things are very different - we have new owners,  new staff and (maybe) lots to look forward to.  But everyone's guiding principal is to get stuff done - by whatever means.  There are alternative note-taking options out there.  If you can find a new safe home that suits your needs,  that's always a choice.  Good luck!

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Thank you for helping me create a response that is more accurate/complete for the developers. I have edited my post and included a picture too. Some of the edits are also below: On #2, are you suggesting that if I converted to the new Evernote on all my devices, they may pull up faster?

2) Notes open faster (I've waited many minutes before, and when I need a note I need it NOW). For example, in Step 5 below, I had to open the note several times, and in one instance, I waited for 5 minutes to open, finally hitting the back key and trying to open it again. And it still won't open. Wow, I've been editing this post 15 minutes now wrestling with getting these notes with PDFs to open!

3) removed, it is possible (offline reading)

4) Fewer clicks to highlight text; that was a recent change and it is awful. I like to read and highlight articles on Evernote, and it is now taking too many clicks. To explain, first you have to click Edit, and lose 1/3 of the screen with the window. Then you have to click the format button (Aa). Then you have to click the highlight button. Each time you highlight. On legacy Evernote, you have to click Edit, you do lose 1/3, maybe 1/2 the screen, but the highlight button is there.

5) When I open the new Evernote on my Android, the Home screen appears to reflect notes for when it was not open, not the current state based on changes I made to my Evernote database on other devices. For example, it is showing Tasks that have already been completed, and showing as the most recent note, how it was when it was last opened. Only when I  click on Notes does it start syncing Evernote with changes that had been made on other devices

6) Evernote Android only allows you to open a PDF in the Evernote native App. This is a huge restriction as I prefer to open PDFs in XoDo. There have been threads about it, see here: 

here (1)

here (2)

I do see an Export, so maybe it is just more clicks?

7) Evernote Android sometimes can't even load the attachment. In trying out #6, I had one note that I uploaded yesterday where it says "Couldn't load attachment." Wow, a second one too. And I just opened them in legacy Desktop PC and Evernote 10 Desktop PC and the attachment pulls up fine. See picture showing it open in Acrobat on my computer (from Evernote) and can't open on the Android. I added a video here, if it works, though at the end when I show my computer, sorry that I flipper from portrait to landscape.  


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  • Level 5*

Thanks for that - you still need to contact Support and quote this thread URL though - because we're mainly all users here.

As to quickness of loading,  until the last Legacy user has left the building,  Evernote have to maintain two types of code for notes.  If a note has been opened in v10 before,  and not subsequently viewed or edited in Legacy,  once updated to the new format it should be quicker to load next time it is opened.  It doesn't need to be reformatted twice.  It's apparently not considered possible to reformat every note in one go because by now Evernote probably have billions of notes on their servers.  Until quantum computing is available it'd probably crash the internet if that much computing power got used in one hit...

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