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Keep Getting Logged Out of my Mobile Account

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I keep getting booted out of my Evernote app, which I've been using for over 5 years and basically have my entire life and business on. It keeps saying I need to unsync from another device, but I only ever use Evernote on my iPhone so I shouldn't be logged in to another device. Regardless, I unsync from other devices as suggested but this message keeps popping up and I keep getting logged out. I tried logging in from my laptop to unsync but it says I'm only logged in from my iPhone, which is in fact the case. So I shouldn't be getting this message at all!

Any support would be greatly appreciated.


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Thank you so much @gazumped - I believe I've done this before but I just tried again. It showed my iPhone (which is the only thing I use) and web browser, with last login of today's date (as in me logging in right now to check). I've revoked access for web and was logged out. We'll see what happens!

Appreciate the response.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Same goes to my account, keep on log me out from my main device. When checked on the connected device. there is iPhone with name (my main device), iPad (2nd device) and another “iPhone” without name, I dunno where this “iPhone” came from. I unsync this device, then again it logged me out from the mobile. Checked again this “ghost” “iPhone” was sync again and shown used <1hr ago.. I tot it was from my iPhone browser, I closed all windows from my browser including private browsers, the same problem persist. 

the system allowed to unsync a device twice maximum a month. So after used up the “2nd chance”, again was logged off from my mobile.. 1 month later tried it happen again and again n again. This was at least 3 months already.


evernote have no “channel” for the free users log any complaint or feedback except here in forum. Not sure what’s going on. 

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  • Level 5*
12 hours ago, Shunfa said:

evernote have no “channel” for the free users log any complaint or feedback

Hi.  Evernote do offer a free - but pretty limited - service for potential users to try out,  but by definition there's no funding to support much of a backup network.  There are groups on Facebook (including one set up by the company),  there's (always) Reddit,  and for feedback there are options in most (some?) of the clients.  The only direct contact (that I'm aware of) for free users is https://twitter.com/evernotehelps.

That said,  you could (if you have the option) subscribe on a monthly basis and stay a subscriber long enough to sort out this phantom iPhone issue.  It sounds like it's something to do with your connection - I use VPN forinstance and I see my IP address connecting from (apparently) around the world.  It's an issue - but Evernote don't want to provide effective full access to their free product,  and this is the method they chose.  If you find the process inconvenient then you really need to subscribe or move on.

-Please note I'm not some sort of mindless Evernote fanboy or an employee (it has been suggested).  If anyone has any other practical solutions for this situation I'd be happy to hear them.  

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For the pragmatic among us, this is a case to subscribe for a month. Once the account is upgraded, sort things out, enjoy the month on Personal, and let the account slip back to Free again.

Hint: To know whether it is my device or any other, all my devices carry a distinct name. This device name shows in the devices list in my EN account. It makes sure I can identify my devices, and if I unsync, I unsync the right one.

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Same thing here. Evernote is detecting two iphones using it ("Named iPhone" and "iPhone"), while I only have one. Also when I just logged in to post this, the Browser on my computer is a different login from the App on my computer.... so I hit the limit again just after unsyncing the phantom iPhone this month.... but there's no other way to login to discussion.evernote.com than using a browser...

The actionable solution seems to be to try very hard not to log into web browser/app versions that you dont typically use, as these will cause ghost device logging. OR despite their intention to support two devices, don't plan to use two devices as it might wind up with getting locked out of your main Evernote device login.

I get they want people to move to their paid accounts if they enjoy the experience but...

1) theres likely a bug with their device detection algorithm. Perhaps not if my iPhone has used a browser but I dont think I am, I only use the App

2) this issue is ONLY going to be run into by free accounts

3) Free accounts get no support? So how will they know to fix the bug? Systemically setting it up this way is surely unintentional and I'm sure the devs would not want bugs in their product

4) Needing to use a log in to participate in the support option that they chose..?

5) The value of evernote is at least partly in synching across devices, this bug + limits to unsync = negates that experience.

I mainly use it on my phone so I guess that's the solution - dont use the forums, and dont use computer app... Just seems like the login limit hasnt been thought through, and when combined with the support limit has some unintentional impacts more likely to drive people away entirely than encourage paid adoption.

I'd like to encourage the devs to look into this bug. If any devs would like my help in troubleshooting I'm happy to provide any logs etc that might be available and describe the bug / report ghost logins as I encounter them (many over the past few months, after years of none) to help track this down; but please provide an email as I wont be logging in here again to communicate, it risks me getting locked out of my phone App that I use all the time. Good luck all.

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  • Level 5*
On 4/7/2023 at 7:37 PM, Tuulikauri said:

I'd like to encourage the devs to look into this bug.

I don't see the devs rushing to spend time and money fixing an issue that
> may currently be unfixable - they need a foolproof way to ID users solely by their device. 
  (Even my bank demands extra security if I use a new device or browser to access my account)
> will only benefit users who are not subscribers

The free app is meant for trial or very light use only,  and if access is important enough that being locked out causes an issue,  then its clearly time to decide whether or not to continue with Evernote.

NB if you have different email address for log-ins,  you also by definition have multiple different accounts.


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  • Level 5

@Tuulikauri The „iPhone“ vs. „The other iPhone“ thing would be easy to solve if people named their iPhones something else than „iPhone“. My iOS devices all have unique names. It is pretty simple to see if my iPhone <uniqueName> is on the list, or a „default“ <iPhone> one. 

This leads to the next question: We sometimes had reports of hacking attempts  (using login data from internet breaches) that cloaked themselves as „iPhone“. Have you checked access history ? All familiar IPs, or something out of the standard ?

If forum participation is your issue: You are not obliged to participate with the user of your „main“ EN account. However logging into the web client consumes one „device“ of the allowed 2. Since the EN Free plan is pretty generous, complaining about one of the restrictions is leading nowhere.

Case a Free user has a severe problem he can always subscribe for a month, lift restrictions, get access to support and sort things out.

Anybody should be able to take a decision about this option, as anybody is able to decide about the purchase of a „large to go with flavor“ - both cost roughly the same. Deciding against the month of subscription means the problem can’t be serious - at least not serious enough to skip the next coffee.

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