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Dear Sirs,


I am a Korean and I have used for over 10 years. I have no idea exactly when it had been

changed but The fonts were limited to just 3 kinds, like San Serif, Serif, Mono Space.

Usually most of softwares can use any fonts installed in the Windows, regardsless of English, or 

Korean Fonts, or any other language.

I don't like above 3 kinds of fon'ts and to make it worse, Korean languages look very bad.

I think that update should be made with the more & better convenience, instead of 

making it worse.

Above no good update makes me very disappointed and hesitate whether I will downgrade,

so that I can use so many fonts installed in the Windows, or I will move to Microsoft One Note.


I am looking forward to a better update in the near future.


Douglas Kim

Email: dckimv@naver.com



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  • Level 5

Hello, and welcome to the forums. These are primarily user-to-user forums, with only occasional input from Evernote staff. (They are also very public, so it is better for reasons of security not to post one's email address.)

Regarding the fonts, my understanding is that the reason for the limited fonts in Evernote v. 10 is so that notes will display uniformly on all platforms (Windows, Mac, Android, iOS, Web). This means not taking advantage of the full range of fonts available on Windows and Mac. But obviously that is a great disadvantage for people in non-English environments. You may well need to find more suitable software for your purposes.

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  • Level 5
17 hours ago, Momofthrees said:

There is also a disadvantage when printing. The PDF export strips out the font styles, so it's useless to have them in the first place.

Can you say some more about this? I just made a short text note, and PDF export included the various Evernote styles (sans, slab serif, handwritten); bold, italic, and underlined; and highlighting and font colors.

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  • Level 5
15 hours ago, Momofthrees said:

Apparently Evernote doesn’t install its fonts. Once I did that, it works.

Hmm. I'm puzzled. I didn't do anything special to install fonts. Do you mean installing the fonts in the Windows system, or embedding the fonts in the PDF? Either way, I haven't seen an option to have Evernote do this.

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  • Level 5
18 hours ago, Momofthrees said:

I had to install the fonts. Have you printed to ODF?

Ah, the light dawns! I was going through Evernote's File > Export note as PDF process. When I select Note > Print and then the Microsoft PDF printer, the fonts do appear, but that driver must embed them automatically. I know there are others that do not. Thanks for the clarification.

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