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Ability to collapse code??

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Ability to collapse code?? If you aren't dropping a code file in like with Unity C#, with Android Kotlin you have to copy and paste but then you cannot collapse the whole code.

I need to be able to collapse the whole code because I have a bunch of code inside the Note. Can you add the abiliy to collapse the code?

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  • Evernote Expert

There is no means to collapse a code block. Your best option would be to put each code block into its own note then create a Table of Contents note which links to each of the individual blocks. The ToC note would appear with just a title or preview a you choose.

Click on the title/preview and the code block note will open.

Folders in note is an entirely different concept to the current Evernote structure. If that is something you need you should probably look around for an alternative application.

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On 2/25/2023 at 8:27 AM, AntDX316 said:

Ability to collapse code?? If you aren't dropping a code file in like with Unity C#, with Android Kotlin you have to copy and paste but then you cannot collapse the whole code.

You want to collapse code like a code editor? I'm not sure there are many note-taking apps that can do that -- at least from what I have seen. You could attach a code-block file as an attachment and open it from Evernote in your default code editor.

On 2/25/2023 at 8:40 AM, AntDX316 said:

Also, the ability to have folders inside notes would be nice. Having better organization would be better.

This sounds to me like you might not be aware of how stacks, notebooks and tags work. There are quite a few different ways to organize notes in Evernote using those three structures.

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  • 2 weeks later...

There's no other solution. I use evernote and github. Anything else makes it too complicated which ends up in me doing nothing.

I just remembered that you can look at the entire code up on github. Evernote helps though because I have extra notes with photos and annotations.

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