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scanning text

Go to solution Solved by PinkElephant,

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Hi there, 

I scanned some text with Evernote camera on an iphone - I think it was from my kindle screen. It came through on my Evernote page as pure text. This was amazing; I was able to cut/ paste, move text around for easy learning. Next time I tried to do it, the camera just took pictures. Can't see how I did the original trick. Is this possible or did I dream it?? 


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If I am understanding your question you are referring to different ways in which EN handles scanning on the iphone app.  If you are scanning a document or a Kindle screen you will see an option at the bottom that says "scanning" or "photo".  If you pick the photo option you can just take a normal photo when you are ready.  If pick the scanning option, the camera will scan until it sees what it thinks is the document and it will lock in and take the scan.  This usually gives a nicer image than "photo" but sometimes it can be annoying as it confuses itself about the borders etc.

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