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paste text inside code block adds new lines/CR

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when I paste some text inside a code  block, Evernote adds new lines....  like my  example below:


this is my text to paste


paste my text here <> thanks


paste my text here <
this is my text to paste
> thanks


make copy and paste inside code block very frustrating...


do you know how to fix it?





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so far this is the reply I got:

---- Technical  support:

I've reviewed all of the helpful information that you've taken the time to provide for us, and I was able to identify the behavior you're experiencing as an issue that is known by our development team. I know that this doesn't immediately resolve the issue you're experiencing and I apologize for the interruption to your workflow. I'll be contributing your report of this issue to our ongoing tracking documentation and I'm hopeful that this issue will be resolved with coming improvements that we'll be making to the editor.

If at any point you'd like a status update surrounding this, or if there's anything else that I can do to improve your experience with our product in the meantime, please don't hesitate to reach out.



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  • 4 weeks later...
  • Level 5

Actually I don’t see them rush a solution now - especially a forum post will not move anything.

From the severity of this bug, I think it is in the lowest drawer, and may stay in the residual section of the backlog list for quite a while.

The only way to get more attention to it is by sending them more support tickets.

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  • 4 months later...
  • 1 month later...

I sent Evernote support a ticket about this in April last year and I'm shocked to see its still there!!

I've since moved to UpNote, but I check back in on Evernote every now and then to see if this has been fixed. I know to some it might seem like a small thing, but my workflow involves saving a lot of code snippets and this bug really frustrates my workflow. Hence my decision to leave. I've added a little video showing the bug in action for those of you who have never seen it.

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  • Level 5

Is it putting the device in danger, like causing crashes ? 

Is it putting data at risk, like erasing existing content unintentionally ?

Is it hindering the proper function of the app, like breaking off an user interaction ?

….       (Add more categories at will, sort by severity of problem)

No, it adds a single line feed. You get it, you delete it, done. This is the lowest bug category, typically on the backlog to be resolved when free capacity allows for it. Meanwhile, no harm done, except for the ego of some users who believe a bug must be squeezed just because they went through the effort reported them.

May I ask what you are crying about ? That you need to delete (or ignore) a new line of text with nothing in it ? Seriously ?!

Oh, yes, before I forget: You we’re not the first to report this. So this specific bug is older than you believe. Probably it is there right from v10.0 . And I have some more, just in case you want to elaborate on the inability of EN to fix some long standing issues. But if you don’t know them, we better keep that Pandora’s box closed.

Just to make this clear: I am not happy that some stuff is not yet resolved. But there are worse things than a few persistent bugs of that sort in a software that went through a very positive general development during the last years.

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4 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

Is it putting the device in danger, like causing crashes ? 

Is it putting data at risk, like erasing existing content unintentionally ?

Is it hindering the proper function of the app, like breaking off an user interaction ?

….       (Add more categories at will, sort by severity of problem)

No, it adds a single line feed. You get it, you delete it, done. This is the lowest bug category, typically on the backlog to be resolved when free capacity allows for it. Meanwhile, no harm done, except for the ego of some users who believe a bug must be squeezed just because they went through the effort reported them.

May I ask what you are crying about ? That you need to delete (or ignore) a new line of text with nothing in it ? Seriously ?!

Oh, yes, before I forget: You we’re not the first to report this. So this specific bug is older than you believe. Probably it is there right from v10.0 . And I have some more, just in case you want to elaborate on the inability of EN to fix some long standing issues. But if you don’t know them, we better keep that Pandora’s box closed.

Just to make this clear: I am not happy that some stuff is not yet resolved. But there are worse things than a few persistent bugs of that sort in a software that went through a very positive general development during the last years.

Jeez, take a chill pill dude!!! Seriously. 

I was just chiming in with what others have said previously, and I was expressing my annoyance in hopes that the more traction this gets the faster it will hopefully get resolved. And no, I don't want to delete a single line every time I paste code. Why should I? I do this several times a day and it gets annoying. If I am going to pay to use a service or product I expect it to work fully as expected. Imagine buying a fridge knowing that the lightbulb doesn't work? Will that make the fridge unsafe or unstable to use? No. Will it cause your food to go bad faster? No. Will it prevent you from using other functions of the fridge? Not really? So why should you pay full price for that fridge when there are others out there that have a working light? Catch my drift my man?

I get it, you're a fan boy (I see your 15k posts, and your fancy level 5 sticker - good for you :)), but as a fellow user of Evernote I am just as entitled as the next guy to post my grievances about the product, so please relax. If you read my post you'll see that even though I have moved away from Evernote for now, I do check in from time to time to see if certain bugs have been fixed. This is because I really do like Evernote and I still cling on to the hope of one day returning back to Evernote as my main note taking app. It was not my intention to hurt your feelings. 

My goodness! This was my first post, and I was definitely not expecting this kind or the reaction or attitude. Most certainly not from a so called senior member of the community.

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Haha, yes, would have to agree with sammyboy,

Obviously this is not a 'catastrophic' bug. But I've been using evernote for 10 years and I look forward to the time when evernote becomes a stable platform that has time for making sure that coping and pasting works. I don't think that's an unreasonable request.





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  • Level 5

First world problems, thanks for elaborating.

To send your feelings to EN, you can use the feedback function build into the clients, or issue a support ticket.

Explain why based on your use cases this nuisance is such a thorn in the foot.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I likewise find this incredibly frustrating. I'm a software developer use evernote to take notes about things I learn about programming, which frequently involves pasting code into an existing code block in my note. I run into this bug multiple times a day.

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Hi ninjoncrack,

I've reported this to evernote but I guess if you do as well they'll get an idea of how many users this affects - then they can decide on priority accordingly.

One thing I've been doing recently to make this less annoying is switching between modes with the keyboard shortcut CTRL+SHIFT+L. I.e., highlight the code block in evernote, press CTRL+SHIFT+L to make it normal text, then edit or copy, then turn it back into code when you're finished. It's a bit clunky and of course the code is terrible to read when normal text, but at least formatting seems to be correctly preserved. In your case, you would need to turn the whole code block into normal text, then paste in your addition, then turn it all back to code..




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  • 1 year later...

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