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Web Clipper and subscription sites

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I have not tried web clipping for a while, but it has always worked fine in the past. Today, I tried to clip articles from the New York Times and Washington post, both of which I have subscriptions to. Both failed. The NYT clip is almost blank, with a message suggesting I get a subscription. The WP clip shows the first part of the article, then says “show more” with a little down arrow. So both seem to indicate that I don’t have a subscription. I can see the articles on my iPad, and I am logged into both.

Clipping both with Bear works fine - I get the entire articles as expected.

Any other iOS users seeing this? Very frustrating…

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  • Level 5

Paywalls can be a problem - I know this from other websites as well.

The web designers try to prevent people from circumventing the paywall. Usually you get the title and maybe an opener picture, and then you are expected to log in or pay. If you could now simply clip the article, it would practically remove the paywall.

OK, but I am a subscriber ? Yes, and you will be able to see the article, you just can’t clip it. This is not because WebClipper would not try to clip, it is actively prohibited.

I would then contact the support team of the newservice and ask why they cut the service I paid for. 

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I will just note that despite the paywalls, my Evernote is full of web clips from both NYT and WP. It just isn't working now. Perhaps both sites changed their paywall rules recently, but the fact that Bear can successfully clip from those sites (and I just tried a Shortcut that saves to Craft, and it works too) points to Evernote being the problem.

Perhaps I can modify the Shortcut to work with Evernote, but I pay the big bucks for Evernote support this feature, not for me to have to kludge something together.

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  • 1 month later...
  • Level 5

Which proves - exactly nothing. Which does not help the least with getting it to work on these sites. BTW I know of other sites where you clip the overlaying (invisible) paywall window - no matter what you try.

It only shows a certain way of looking at things - and this is IMHO not a positive, proactive approach.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I too am having troubles with the WC and here with the Wall Street Journal site as an example. It's completely unusable now. Please page clipping ongoing generally and as needed on these major sites. Very disappointing.  Thanks

I am logged in and still an issue fetching anything now with EN WC.  Here's an article you can preview and try the clipper fail. https://www.wsj.com/articles/after-walt-disney-robert-iger-heads-to-the-metaverse-11647259201?st=2cg702sv8itm836&reflink=desktopwebshare_permalink

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Anybody who wants to see the WebClipper "fail" (this was promised ...) can view this note. I clipped the page listed in the post above with 2 methods:

1) EN WebClipper 7.19 on Mac Safari 15.3, straight clipping the article - this creates a virtual copy of the page, containing HTML code

2) as an alternative using the Shutter app, rolling screenshot feature - this creates a visual copy of the page, as a PNG picture file, without active content

Spoiler: The article was clipped by both tools without any problem.


The linked note will be removed in 2 weeks from now.

Edit: It does not display nicely when I call the link in my browser. No idea why - in the EN client it looks perfect.

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Pink, Here attached is one Evernote Clipped with the latest Chrome browser/Clipper, and 2nd with latest Safari and 7.19 as well. Here is the output from both. I would call both FAILING in pulling out the article presented from the WSJ website.  Your capture (includes the Masthead/sidebar items) I would not accept that as what has as worked well for me in the past but does not now with the clipper. It is getting to be too much a chore to clean up (or sometimes even having to resort to saving to a PDF,  and printing said PDF to Evernote). And the additive issue of the last couple of years with images that are shown in the clipper but do not make the output note.




EN Clip Error Chrome.jpg

EN Clip Error Safari.jpg

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  • Level 5

It is a clipper, not a 1:1 reproduction of the web site. First it needs to guess what is the „true“ content of the page, from probably hundreds of elements.

A page is not a continuos HTML stream any more - it is dynamically build from a database run by a content management system. Many are only placeholders, filled by 3rd party with advertisements.

And then it needs to reproduce it in EN, which must be done like in a browser. But browsers are different - just try to open the same page in Chrome, Firefox and Safari. EN will reproduce it their way, each browser does it his way.

What you get on that page is IMHO pretty good. If you think it should be improved, contact support, send them the link, the page and the markup with the problem you see.

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