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  • Evernote Expert

It depends somewhat on how you are adding tasks.

By default tasks are place inside a note and the note can be printed.

Of course that only works if you put all your tasks in a single note. If you are adding tasks to multiple notes then the only option would be to open the Tasks pop out from the left hand sidebar. Then highlight the tasks with a mouse. Copy and paste into a document or, indeed, a note which you could then print.

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Thank you for your reply.  Most of my tasks are in their respective notes that they appIy to.  Did not know about the pop out, and that can be helpful sorted by due date, but I can not figure out how to select specific tasks, to be able to print or manipulate.  I have a lot of tasks with the same due date that I want to pick and choose most important or doable from a list, that can be printed.  So far I have not figured out to even select multiple specific tasks.

Thanks so much for your help and if you think of any other ideas, or other resources for learning, I would much appreciate them. 

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  • 3 months later...

Here's the workaround: display the tasks (click TASKS in the main menu) and screen grab what you want.  (Sure love Lightshot!)

Printing them Japanese postcard or 3x5 or whatever size or pasting them into a document or email then becomes doable.

Come on, Evernote, the Tasks list ought to be easily printable.  (but I still love Evernote but ...)

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Mr. "Agsteele" has a good idea but it doesn't work. Tasks cannot be selected with a mouse, so can't be pasted into a new file. I would give a lot for that functionality to be added.

And "Geobike" has the only workable solution I've found, but with hundreds of tasks, the screenshot option is too cumbersome to be useful.

Come on, Evernote. Fix this.

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  • Evernote Expert
3 hours ago, HWB said:

Mr. "Agsteele" has a good idea but it doesn't work. Tasks cannot be selected with a mouse, so can't be pasted into a new file. I would give a lot for that functionality to be added.

When I originally typed the response I actually tried the copy/paste function and it worked for me. I'll check again later. Perhaps app changes since March have changed something.

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  • 3 months later...

I'm bumping this up. It makes no sense that we can't print out or export a master task list.

I understand that there's some philosophy behind this (going paperless?) but some of us need to have this function. It's driving me crazy. I'm looking for another solution.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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  • 1 month later...

I also need to sometimes print my task list. Since tasks are associated with the notes they come from, I can't just print 'Things to Do' (the default tasks place). And, I know I can screencapture, but it's clunky with so many on my list. 

I would like to be able to 'move around' the tasks in the Tasks list so I can prioritize the ones due today (for example).  

Maybe could we have an option to export tasks? That would help us format at least... 

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15 hours ago, kkennett said:

I would like to be able to 'move around' the tasks in the Tasks list so I can prioritize the ones due today (for example).  

I just use the task view and filter those with a due date of today. I also use emojis in the task title to allow me to filter for particular types of task


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  • 2 weeks later...

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