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"there was an issue with your purchase"

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Every time I open Evernote now (Mac App Store version), I get a red warning sign saying "There was an issue with your purchase", even though I have a valid subscription through the Mac App Store.  The warning sign flashes up several times, then stops appearing, but it's bothersome.

Any ideas?

I've tried deleting the app and reinstalling but it doesn't solve the problem.

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  • Level 5

The app has nothing to do with the AppStore purchase. The app is identical to the free version - the purchase opens services on the EN server that are reserved for subscribers.

Usually you can check about the status of your purchases and subscriptions by going to your iCloud account.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm having this issue as well, is there a solution? Evernote and Apple's App Store have never played well together in my experience but this is just a constant nuisance. I have work to do, and a flashing red error message is immensely distracting, especially when I know that it ultimately points to an issue that shouldn't be happening.

Screen Shot 2021-11-12 at 12.49.41 PM.png

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Thanks PinkElephant, I probably will if this keeps up. I get these error messages every now and then and they typically resolve themselves, it's just today they're really persistent. 

And re: the App Store, I'd been having an odd issue where the App Store thought I was on one plan and Evernote thought I was on another, so I was getting charged for the features I wasn't getting for a time. Talking with EN support made it seem like it was some kind of miscommunication between Apple and Evernote, which by all accounts seemed like a bit of a freak occurrence. Eventually, and weirdly, I found that Apple and Evernote both showed me as being on the base plan again, so I went to upgrade and the App Store kept saying I couldn't, because I was already using Professional, despite the previous screen showing my subscription at the Personal level.

Idk, I got tired of it so I just cancelled and re-subbed, which fixed the discrepancy, but now I'm getting these error messages 😂🙃

In the end it'll all get figured out, but I've had the strangest luck with this stuff on Evernote. 

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  • Level 5

EN has this one special thing (at least reported in the forum by several users) where they won’t let you upgrade if you had canceled your prior subscription before. I don’t understand why, but I think in these cases EN support is needed to sort things out.

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