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Cannot shrink individual note Window to size I require

Go to solution Solved by PinkElephant,

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If this has been asked and answered previously, my apologies in advance. I found it difficult to find the correct search terms.

When I want to resize an individual note (which I double clicked in the app to open) to a small size, I find that there seems to be a limit to how small I can resize it. Is this a purposeful limit or is there a bug, known or unknown? I find this very frustrating when I want to tile windows so, for example, a Zoom window is taking up 4/5 of the screen and my note the other 1/5.

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  • Level 5*

Hi.  There has to be a minimum size for a window,  otherwise you won't be able to see the content.  Whether the window you see is unreasonably limited is impossible to say without being able to see your desktop.  Can you not use the keyboard shortcut to flip between the two,  bringing the note to the front to write,  and the Zoom forward to see the session?

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Yes, I could switch windows using a keyboard shortcut. However, the smallest width I can get on a 27" monitor is 530 px or approx. 5 3/8 ". I should be able to resize the width as small as I'd like and have the text wrap. That was the behavior prior to the 10.x versions.

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  • 6 months later...

@mbdiener Did you contact EN and make a support ticket? If so did you get an actual solution for this? This is an issue for me as well.. for the same purpose, actually.

I used to be able to size the Evernote note's window smaller than it allows now (on the same system) then some update several months back changed that... and I don't like that. I used to be able to fit it all on my screen, but the minimum width is too large to be able to see the Zoom window well enough. I like to take clips from Zoom and paste them into the Evernote note and/or type quick notes, so only need enough room in the note to do that and navigate to the next line, etc. It used to be perfect, now it sucks to have to overlap the windows or move the Evernote note offscreen so that I can just have part showing... :(

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  • Level 5

There is a low limit size, which still is a significantly sized window, far bigger than a thumbnail. A window can not be shrunk below this size, it can only be closed.

If you already have hit this limit: No idea, maybe a screenshot would help to tell.

Like it or not, it is by design. I haven’t noticed any update would have further changed this limit.

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