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(Archived) Hijacked Account

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I recently had my laptop stolen and had the Windows Evernote desktop application installed. I think the person who stole my laptop continued using my evernote account and deleted all my notes. I already contacted Evernote about this with no response. Does anyone know if Evernote backs up users' information (notes) and if so, is that retrievable?

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Premium users will receive a reply from Support within one business day, but Free accounts may take a bit longer, especially at the beginning of the week. (If a Free user submits an inquiry on Friday night, then they probably won't receive a reply until Tuesday or Wednesday, depending on overall volume.)

Do you have any old copies of your account on any other computers? I.e. did you also synchronize to a desktop computer or anything like that? If so, the database file on that computer may still contain your deleted notes.

If someone accesses your account to delete your notes and empty the Trash, we'll remove the data from our servers for privacy reasons.

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  • Level 5

This is a good learning example for other people.

Be sure to back your Evernote info and other data on to an external backup device; or even better, something like Carbonite or Jungle Disk.

It is cheap insurance.

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This is a good learning example for other people.

Be sure to back your Evernote info and other data on to an external backup device; or even better, something like Carbonite or Jungle Disk.

It is cheap insurance.

Plus, if your computer gets stolen/lost, it's always a good idea to change your passwords ASAP to anything that you've got set up to store a password such as your Evernote password or your email account passwords.

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