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Things I really miss or maybe they are hiding somewhere

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My apologies in advanced if these questions have been addressed elsewhere or if there is a better "home" for these questions.  By my own admission I did not extensively searched the forums for these issues/concerns. If there is a better place to ask these questions, please direct me and I will post there.

I have been using Evernote for just shy of 10 years and have 5000+ notes and primarily use the Windows desktop interface while using evernote. While I fully understand the benefits of a unified interface across all platforms from an engineering sense, financial sense, etc. I begrudgingly upgraded to the "new UI" several weeks although I preferred the "old UI" because I felt at this point "resistance was futile".

While I have adapted to most of the seemingly arbitrary changes, there are a few things that appear to be just missing which is really a step backward relative to the usability of evernote. Hopefully, my description of the "old" behavior is correct, because unfortunately I no longer have access to the "old" interface. And, if these capabilities are just hiding somewhere in the "new" interface, I hope someone can send me in the right direction.

  1. Deleting a tag with one click - I make extensive use of tags, and am frequently deleting a tag from a note either because I applied the wrong tag or more commonly the tag is no longer relevant. There used to be a way of removing a tag from a note with one click.  There was either an "X" or a right click context menu (OK I guess that would be 2 clicks).  Now I need to use that somewhat clumsy drop down menu.  Is there really no longer a way to delete a tag with 1 click?
  2. Auto-refresh -  I believe in the "old" interface, if I changed the contents or the metadata of a note so that the note was no longer valid for the current search criteria, the list of notes was automatically updated so that the no longer valid note was displayed in the list.  For example, if I searched on a tag, and then deleted the tag  that was part of the search criteria from a note, that note would no longer be valid for the current search criteria, and the list of notes would be updated to no longer contain the note.  With the "new" interface the list is not automatically updated, and to make things worse (as discussed in other posts) there appears to be no refresh view option in any menu. Is this capability just hiding somewhere?
  3. Full-screen tag view - In the "old" interface, there was a full screen tag view that could be used to reorganize tags.  With the "new" interface, there appears to be no way to see my tags other than in a singular column list.  Since I have 150+ tags, this view made reorganizing my tags significantly simpler.  Is this view hiding somewhere?  Is this view coming back?  Is there some other way of getting a big picture view of all of my tags?  Not clear on what the benefit was of dropping this seemingly simple view.  I guess I must have been one of the few that used it.

In any case, any and all feedback appreciated.


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5 minutes ago, kcdubya said:

Deleting a tag with one click

If you select the tag you can just press delete. You can do this using just the keyboard using F3 to get into the tagging area and the arrow keys to move through the tags

7 minutes ago, kcdubya said:

Auto-refresh -  I believe in the "old" interface, if I changed the contents or the metadata of a note so that the note was no longer valid for the current search criteria, the list of notes was automatically updated

You are correct - this is the behaviour in the legacy version. There was a statement by an EN employee some time back that this was being looked at but nothing since

9 minutes ago, kcdubya said:

Full-screen tag view

This has been raised before but no information as to whether it is being looked at.

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