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Two iPhones showing up and I can’t unsync either

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After not updating Evernote for years I finally updated to 10.9 on my iPhone X running 14.5.1. 

However I can’t run the app because I’m now apparently using 3 devices. (I’m not) 

Evernote continues to show two iPhones and when I unsync either of them they’re both still back when I try to open and use the app again. 

reading past threads this was a major issue in 2018 for users so I’m dumbfounded how it’s still an issue some four years later. It does feel like a bug that opts people into buying the paid version so why fix it? 

is there a fix to this great feature? I mean bug? 

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  • Level 5

The better way in hindsight would have been to take off the iPhone first, before updating. Obviously it treats the old app as a different device. Has nothing to do with a bug, this app has not been around in 2018.

If it now counts 3 devices, there must be one other than the double iPhone. I would use this one in first place to get rid of the „wrong“ iPhone.

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It shouldn't treat the old app as a different device. To me it means it's been poorly engineered. If you update Facebook you don't have to re-login with every update. Seems like the app is not leveraging Keychain.  It's a bug that has literally been persistent for 4+ years. 

Regardless after I updated the iOS app I deleted/ unsync'd both iphone's and guess what showed up when I tried again? Two iphones. 

Furthermore it's a very annoying bug and the fact you're limiting the number of unsync's which are basically required to fix said bug is a shady business practice to compensate for poor engineering. 

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  • Level 5

You want to solve your  problem, or you want to rant along ? You are on a free plan (free means you are not contributing to the service you use by any means), so it is take it as it is, or leave it.

Your last post does not contain any new information. Facebook is by no means an example of how to design a secure app. 580 million users who got their personal data scraped from FB can tell that story …

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If you can't see how free users are at the top of your marketing funnel or what an actual marketing funnel is you have a much bigger problem on your hands. Why would I or the 400 person company I'm at ever move to paid if I can't get support on the free version?  

If you consider users pointing out bugs and issues as a "rant" then again you're really missing the opportunity on ever converting them to paid. Again it's an issue that's persisted for 4+ years based on your "forums" but I guess you have to be a paid user in order to take this issue seriously. 

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  • Level 5

It can’t have been a bug for 4 years - all apps have been redesigned and released during the last couple of months. And I would not call a restriction placed on a free account a bug, because this implies it is by accident. No, it is not, it is by design.

Everything is described in detail in the help document that was already linked above:


And that is it - I am another user, and will not sort out this issue. I am sure you will be able to do this yourself. In case you need support (I mean the real stuff, by people that are employed by EN and duefully expect a paycheck every month), you can subscribe for a month.


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