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Do you guys know how to turn off 'update popup'?

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Evernote keeps to show update popup which is annoying. (I know I have to update the app, but I don't want to do it every week)

This is not really frequent, but it happens two or three time in a day. The problem is when I'm writing in the note, update popup shows above the note and it taks my concentration away. Even this happens: when I'm working at different apps (such as ppt or coding), evernote update popup suddenly shows up above the the app that I'm working on. This kills my productivity, especially I'm really concentrating on the work. Anyone knows how to turn off 'update popup' on Mac? I'm using evernote app version 10.12.5.

Thanks in advance.

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This is infuriating. I'm deep into a spreadsheet and this pops up and covers my work. Since I am a hunt and peck typer, often I keep typing for no reason. We're dumping Evernote because of this. 

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On 5/13/2021 at 1:41 AM, daveh99 said:

This is infuriating. I'm deep into a spreadsheet and this pops up and covers my work. Since I am a hunt and peck typer, often I keep typing for no reason. We're dumping Evernote because of this. 

Yes, it's killing us...

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Agreed. I love that Evernote is shipping frequent updates, but the "Update Evernote" dialog focuses Evernote above all other programs, interrupting other tasks. A more subtle install dialog would be much appreciated. (Ie, an in-app banner).

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On 5/16/2021 at 5:17 AM, rsweetland said:

Agreed. I love that Evernote is shipping frequent updates, but the "Update Evernote" dialog focuses Evernote above all other programs, interrupting other tasks. A more subtle install dialog would be much appreciated. (Ie, an in-app banner).

Absolutely, an in-app banner would be very nice!

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  • 1 month later...

Yes updating the app 2-3 times a  day is absolutely insane. Stop with this bullshit and keep  the updates to a maxmimum of once a week, or at least let us have the option to turn off updates (only have manual updates). I'm considering dumping this app because of the constant update popups everyday.

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  • 2 months later...

So I died the other day because of this stupid behavior (interrupting everything with a pop-up telling me there's a new version). Well, not really, since it was just an in game death while fighting a boss, but still....  And just now, I was debugging code and lost my train of thought when the pop-up jumped in front of everything and switched my active app to Evernote. Stupidest behavior ever, and telling to that if I just update, Evernote will stop doing this is unhelpful (PinkElephant). Evernote should only do popup windows when I'm voluntarily in Evernote....not force me to be in Evernote to close the stupid popup window.

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On 9/17/2021 at 9:09 PM, PinkElephant said:

Thanks for sharing your thoughts - you have a better idea ?

Because if you don’t, I can help you: Issue a support ticket.

Here in the forum you just reach other users. It may be cosy to get some sympathy, but it won’t change anything.

Thank you for the reply PinkElephant. As my first thread, the solution is very simple: 1) add disable/enable option for update pop-up, or 2) at least, the update pop-up should not show up above other apps or windows rather than Evernote's window.

I understand the update pop-up shows up on top of Evernote window, but it is really non-sense the pop-up shows up on top of all the other windows. Now, for instance, the pop-up shows up above MS word window while I am typing a report or something even if Evernote window is behind it. I really would have 1) or 2).

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  • 1 month later...
On 9/17/2021 at 3:09 PM, PinkElephant said:

Thanks for sharing your thoughts - you have a better idea ?

Because if you don’t, I can help you: Issue a support ticket.

Here in the forum you just reach other users. It may be cosy to get some sympathy, but it won’t change anything.

Honestly, this is rude. In a forum you reach other users - who may have found a workaround for the issue. So it's not like it's a useless action to take.

But you seem to be in every thread about this yelling at people to subscribe or shut up like some kind of weird Evernote stan instead of a helpful user of a software that offers a free option, so presumably you already know this and just don't care.

For now, I'm closing Evernote except when I actually need it so it stops doing this. I have no issue with it asking me to update! It's just the focus-stealing that's the problem. I use other free versions of software that ask me to update relatively frequently, but if I have the app minimized, it doesn't maximize it onto my screen and make me wait for it to load so I can tell it to do or not do the update. The behavior is janky from a UX perspective and that's fair to say- because again, it's free, it's not like we've pirated it. It's just the free option, and it didn't always work that way, so it's fair to point out that it sucks that it does now.

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  • Level 5

You don’t like my comments - fair enough.

On the other hand you use resources only available because others (like me) pay for the party. EN collects the subscriptions, runs the big machine from them, pays the devs, and then there is some left. They hand some over to marketing, and tell them to win new subscribers.

This is how the budget for the free account is produced. You signed up for the free account, to save yourself the money for a full, hazzle free account. And now you are claiming that you are targeted by EN advertising - these are the guys who foot your bill. Getting a slice of your attention from time to time is part of the Freemium deal, in case nobody told you.

If you dislike the minor distraction, decide between subscribing and leaving.

P.S. This forum is user2user. EN most likely even doesn’t take notice about your postings here. If you want to reach them, use the feedback option build into the clients.

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I work in SaaS dude, have for years, I know how Freemium works.

However - this isn't "EN advertising". It's a pop-up telling you to update the app to the newest version- not to upgrade to a full subscription. Is there a misunderstanding at play here? Is that why you keep telling people that upgrading will solve it? Would it even, in that case?

Honestly, I'd understand a "money pls" pop-up more than this nonsense. It's a focus pull to say "hey there's a new version available pls update to it", when it's not urgent.

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  • 4 months later...

I am a year late to the discussion but the pop-ups are driving me insane, because, more than once it has popped up while I am sharing my screen on a Zoom call. It shows my PERSONAL notes to everyone I am sharing my screen with!! 

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  • 2 months later...
On 7/13/2021 at 12:29 PM, PinkElephant said:

Once updated to the latest release this should stop by itself.

It is now a year since your post and Evernote STILL steals focus from whatever program I'm in to tell me about an update.

Your app is a note taking app, not an antivirus.  There's no update to Evernote that could ever be so important that it steals focus from other windows.

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Sorry but I have submitted feedback multiple times about this, and it does absolutely nothing. Evernote is STILL stealing focus. It is infuriating, distracting, totally embarrassing if I'm on a conference call. There are several ways to get a user's attention without forcing them back to the application. I'm seeing that complaints about this have gone on for awhile.

I have years worth of notes and it is extremely difficult to switch to a competing application, but at this point, I think it's worth the pain of doing so. 

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  • Level 5

Keep the app closed, and you won’t see an update notification.

Open it early, and you will see it in a more convenient moment.

But of course, this is too simple, and so you choose a method you yourself describe as infuriating, distracting, totally embarrassing. Taking it from your description, this happens because you open the note taking app in the very moment you enter a call. Open it in the morning instead, and leave it open all day. Then you can handle the update in a moment convenient for yourself.

Update notifications are nothing special for EN - in fact I get one quite often when opening Zoom. „Infuriating, distracting and totally embarrassing“ when I forget to start my meetings early, to allow some time to get the system up and running before the participants join. Updating Zoom even forces me to quit the software, and restart it from scratch. So I open Zoom early, and have it up and running when I need it.

When did you say you want to be notified about an update ? 

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This is truly maddening. I'm working in another application, and BAM, Evernote steals focus and interrupts what I'm doing. Why is there no way to disable this? I checked my MacOS Notifications setting and I don't even allow notifications from Evernote. Which really makes me worry about what kind of access it has on my system.

Very seriously considering switching to another notes tool.

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  • Level 5

Send feedback to EN if you don‘t like it.

BTW, had a Zoom call today, wanted to open the meeting, and first got an update notification from ZOOM. After that, one from Camo (my webcam app). And there are more apps that will show update information - most of them when started for the day.

What do we learn ?

Open the app early, notifications are likely to show up when the app is started. Update notifications are always allowed, because (surprise) keeping your software up to date is one of the most important things to keep your devices safe.

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Another way to fix this:

Install the Mac App Store version and not the direct download version. This will automatically update Evernote in the background and never show you any update notification at all. Only downside: This version has for whatever reason no settings button (the gear icon).

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  • 1 year later...

In my company we have all stopped using Evernote because it forces updates at the worst times of work.
Impossible to use Evernote when update pop-up appears to force the update. We can't even work with it anymore, it's a disgrace. 

The update takes ages and we are there like idiots sometimes waiting several minutes to finally access information while someone is in front of us waiting to get information. It's infuriating. We were all fed up.
Your “App” workaround is crappy and bogus. It would have been a thousand times simpler to add an "Update on program exit." option.

Good luck for the future of your business.
Never again.

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3 hours ago, User386 said:

In my company we have all stopped using Evernote because it forces updates at the worst times of work.
Impossible to use Evernote when update pop-up appears to force the update. We can't even work with it anymore, it's a disgrace. 

So in your company you all use Macs? Here in this forum the topic is the macOS version of Evernote. Great for you. Why didn't you switch to the App Store version as I said a year ago? No more update notifications, everything happens in the background.

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  • Level 5
4 hours ago, User386 said:

In my company we have all stopped using Evernote because it forces updates at the worst times of work.
Impossible to use Evernote when update pop-up appears to force the update. We can't even work with it anymore, it's a disgrace. …

So you stopped using Zoom ? Teams ? And a wealth of other apps ?

Compared to these EN does it pretty simple: You decide not to update. Then it automatically stays off your screen, and updates automatically the next time the app is opened. But you surely know this ? Then why do you suggest it is different ? Or you didn’t try, you are just ranting along ? Because what you describe was changed roughly a year ago !

The AppStore version can be an alternative. For managed Macs in business or organizational use probably the better option. It just lacks some features, so if you have the choice, I would always go for the direct download. But if updating is a major concern, the AppStore version solves it.

But of course you know this ?! So why do you tell only half of the story - are you posting in bad faith, or just forgot about this option ?

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