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Every time I try to add an image to one of my notes I get a pop-up saying that I've reached my upload limit, and notes can't be synced as a result. I'm 100% fine with not syncing as long as I can still put images in my notes. The pop-up even has an option that says "Stop syncing notes," and I click it. Still,  after every single time I try to add an image, it gives me the same pop-up and won't let me add it.

I just want to turn off syncing and add as much as I want locally. Can anyone help?


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  • Level 5*

Hi. Evernote v10 does not support the local storage of notes. You may have a better experience if you install the Legacy version,  which still - for the moment - allows local storage.

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  • Evernote Expert

@NezhaFan I don't think there is anything you can do other than switch to the legacy version as @gazumped suggests. Evernote is a cloud service and synchronisation is automatic in the new version of the application. Your only option is to switch to legacy or pay the fee to use the service as you desire. At least, for the time being, the legacy is available.

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